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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. @G650 Has the craziest maritime story I have heard.
  2. Ok now I feel bad. You are a young woman asking a legitimate question. Glad you could get it fixed and now you know the deal. I didn't look at profile pic. Hookem
  3. Oh you said deck...my bad. My services are not needed.
  4. Engineering. I have 8 ACC drafters in my group on payroll right now. 3 are too new to know, 3 are hopefully about to turn the corner, 1 has become a top designer and Rockstar in 3 years and 1 is on the payroll bc they show up and work hard. They don't all hit and a bunch get trained up and go take 20k more then they are worth. I pride myself on starting their careers. If they can get someone to pay wayy too much, I love it. The good ones I lock up. We opened a new office several years ago and one of the office managers is an ACC grad I taught and placed there. Company wide we may have 20+ ACC people. Everyone needs a chance.
  5. As someone who has hired multiple ACC graduates, I disagree. They are a crucial pipeline for CAD drafters that flat don't exist without them. I can't find drafters that are worth a shit without my ACC pipeline.
  6. Nick is getting cucked by Jim Spencer. It is hilarious. What a fall from David to this gd yankee as head Meteorologist. What a shit show. He can't even operate the fucking screen.
  7. This thread is the exact reason I make my boys watch me fix absolutely everything. If they call me with this issue and need help when they are older, I will drive over and give them some help. Jesus christ man.
  8. What's signfield?
  9. I feel the opposite. I skip 2 bears because it is just Bert talking over Tom constantly. He is the most sober drunk I have ever heard of. 100%!!11!!!1! The most annoying person on any podcast. His stand up is great but I like how dark Tom can be. YMH is the best, just like hotsauce.
  10. 1 series short of perfection. Well done boys.
  11. Guess I am going to add unwanted ejaculations while watching a movie in a theater to my yearly bingo card.
  12. I should give my kids the phone and tell them to post here. I may do that next time. They were fucking pissed at this game. They make yall look civil.
  13. Dm sent. You are awesome.
  14. Austin, 2 boys, maybe a wife as well.
  15. Thinking of taking my boys to a day game after their baseball is done. July 14th vs the Rangers is the target. Never been to the park. Where should I sit to make it fun and not pay 1k for 4 tickets. Any tips?
  16. Dammit. We can't pitch for shit.
  17. Does anyone know what porter browns walkup song is? I can't remember. My kid said he likes the song, was trying to play it.
  18. No more of that please. I want to relax. Whew.
  19. Well, did he cum or what?
  20. Fuck yeah. Let's go AD.
  21. Not toughness. Commitment to his reality.
  22. Not gonna say negative shit but whatever you can imagine with Ad's condition that would cause teams to skip may be why he is dropping. No word on attitude. Sucks but he has to do better.
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