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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. If we lose it is my wife's fault for stopping the hate and going to bed early.
  2. We are winning this bitch. Hold boys.
  3. King Tuck time. Letz fucking go Tuck. Chin the fuck up.
  4. Believe Let's fucking go boys. Tuck need to start his redemption arc.
  5. Brantley is our standard.
  6. I have seen this score before somewhere.
  7. Maybe I am bad luck. Fuck
  8. Start working your shit boys. It about time to get to full mast. Shits about to get fun.
  9. I love Hector. That dude is all energy.
  10. We are in this one. Everyone chill. *Chugs his 12th beer and starts huffing glue* /hookem4
  11. Tuck is going to go yard to make $96.85 for the people that took that bet.
  12. I remember the last 2 run game. Shit is lining up. What are we going to do? Dominate. LFG
  13. They are definitely reading this thread. You are right.
  14. Suspend him! Obviously on purpose.
  15. Lets go hit boys. We got this.
  16. @Guadaloopy explain yourself cocksucker. Tuck fucking sucks shit through a straw. How are we wrong?
  17. Nevermind. Fucking loser. Goddammit
  18. Tuck can make up for it here. Slightly. Better fucking deliver.
  20. Pull him now
  21. Thought this dude was a good ump. Christ.
  22. We know this will be a nail biter. Hold the line boys. We have the midget and the giant on our side. I will take our odds.
  23. Cup check!
  24. My wife just came out on the patio shitting all over Framber and boom DP. It is real.
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