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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. Funny how it works. I need some of you fuckers to come to my kids tournament this weekend. They could use a shot in the arm.
  2. This thread is great!
  3. I got shot down by the wife. We already have 2 dogs and an asshole cat that showed up a few years ago. "We dont need more animals." I disagree but it ain't worth the fight. That is a beautiful girl.
  4. No lube!
  5. Cooler than the other side of the pillow. Love it.
  6. I was clenching but I have covid and I hate to admit I think a little got out. Whew.
  8. 3 doubles? Is that good? Did he break it?
  9. You need to step your game up! That post is rookie level hate. We almost had a problem there.
  10. Holy shit that was huge
  11. That was a good pitch. The shadows got him!
  12. Honestly, I think you need to talk more shit. It is working pretty well so far. My wife spends the entire game shitting on every player. She hates that Abreu won't button his shit, so mid shit talk rant, boom he goes yard. Let the hate flow!
  13. Come again?
  14. That was perfect, AJ saying he hits the curve well, then boom. Go Stros!
  15. https://youtu.be/U7_OGWACKbA?si=0NIOmdP-0iaZnWMI
  16. You expect a meth head to understand wind? Thank got you dodged the meth and aids spittle. Things are lining up.
  17. $100 more on JB dropped @immamac I just bought another 10 free loaders to the JB pain train. FUCK OU.
  18. That's on me. Apologies. No more of that talk.. just trying to get more donations for JB and whiskey happened. I will stfu. Donate fuckers.
  19. I am donating to JB again tonight no matter what. Fuck ou and fucking kill'em JB. He is 1a/1b with JT for me. If we can own the trenches like I believe we will, it will be a long day for blowu.
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