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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. I donated when he ripped off that long run last game. I was drunk. I am at the ranch and just started in on the bourbon waiting for some piggies to come in. I will donate another $100 per pig I shoot tonight. I will document, who wants to match? Odds are high i get drunk and miss, but my average is 1.2 per sit I would guess. C'mon bitches.
  2. Knock knock motherfucker
  3. I was in the first group to go off. That means I am safe right?
  4. I am not in town but road tripping with Don Williams in the background and shooting the shit without kids yelling in the back sounds awesome. Especially if you add the RRS as the destination. Some day I will get there.
  5. You had a fucking 2.5 game lead with 4 to go and you failed. Blame someone else and not your shit team. Trashtros? Lulz. Self awareness is non existent.
  6. I have never read this thread or any rangers thread as they are irrelevant. Holy shit their fans are fucking losers. I am torn because they are also Longhorn fans for the most part, but fucking hell, have some self awareness. You root for a shit team. Be mad at your owner, not the rest of the world. Hookem.
  7. Blue needs to get hit with a few foul tips to recalibrate his fucking eyes. Jesus H Christo.
  8. Burnt vegetables is primed to suck our dicks. He is also excited to do so.
  9. 5-0. Let's fucking go.
  10. Drop some coin for JB. Fuck, this dude is real.
  11. That was lucky as a motherfucker
  12. You are 2 years late. Glad you signed up, now donate another 1k to JB to make up for it and sign up for the one fund. Then you can play big time.
  13. I need details on what it took to switch. I am on the back end of my batteries and need to make the change.
  14. Maybe try running away from a punt return. Let's go 100% block every time. What say you stripper monkey!
  15. He did the right thing. They would have called that a safety if he kneeled. Rig12.
  16. You said byu twice. The ass picture made up for it. Well done.
  17. I just got home and flipped the game on. Holy shit. I thought it would be bad but damn.
  18. Why didn't you say that in the original post? Baiting? I hope the kid is ok, but this is surly and this one is on you bud. I am about to head to the turf fields for baseball practice, hoping none of my kids have the same fate. I have my boy loading up on water since he woke up.
  19. I gave up watching and went out back to chill, walked in the house to grab a whiskey and asked my boys if we scored, they said no we lost this game. I said, what will you say when CM goes yard? 2 seconds later he goes oppo. You're welcome. LFG.
  20. That second video...boop.
  21. I am sure you know who. The incel. But I will accept wrong answers only. Makes the game more fun.
  22. Can yall quit quoting that fucktard? I have him on ignore for a reason. You should do the same. It is clear he isn't all there.
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