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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. The AC is out at work for the third time this year. These new fangled energy efficient systems are garbage.
  2. If I ever see one of these shittastic abortions on the road, I will be doing this:
  3. Google says fubo when you click the game but espn says ABC. You're right though, Baylor website does say Branch Davidian BBQ network.
  4. After racking the dude. Haha. Owww my balls!!!
  5. One of them did last game. Maybe not the right one, but he got rocked.
  6. Maybe you should step away more?
  7. Where are your magical pants now pal? I blame you!
  8. Then under threw him on another TD play. Erratic at best.
  9. It is after 7. All hard liquor from here on out.
  10. That was hills gap right? Either way. Need to clean this shit up.
  11. FSU has some work to do. That wasn't a good team they escaped.
  12. I love this off the cuff speech he is reading from his notes. Here we go. Let's have an ammendment to the constitution as well.
  13. Why does Chas stand as far from the plate as possible.
  14. Altuves pride hurts so he is gonna claim some random injury. He plays for a soccer team in the off-season evidently. Buck up dude. You whiffed. It doesn't matter bud. Get the next one.
  15. Well here we go. Fuck my life. Not this guy. We are conceding.
  16. They could have easily matched fonts and taken that to 11. Still pretty funny.
  17. Fill me in? Sorry I missed today's meme I guess. Biden is a dead fork?
  18. He looks like he was built in a lab. A lab that had a very active tattoo artist to boot.
  19. If you have ever sat there at 3rd base coaching waiting for the kid to throw a strike for 30 min in 108 degree temps while your feet burned, you would be on team grass. Those plastic fields are brutal in Texas. I wish we had grass only fields in Texas. 99% of the big complexes can get reuse water to irrigate based on their locations.
  20. He's our 5 run per game diva. He needs to get it the fuck together.
  21. Is it safe to go into the back yard and rub one out to these temps? That is legal right? Or does it have to get into the 70s with low humidity first? Asking for a friend.
  22. I get back from my LL Astros getting destroyed by the Royals to see this shit? I don't like 5 run Verlander. Fucking hell.
  23. We had a staff meeting Monday. The president walked into the meeting, leaned over to one of our aggy employees and said "You see that hurricane this weekend?" He looked completely broken and just stared off into space. I laughed my ass off.
  24. Bet more bitches!
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