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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. I wish we were unranked so when we mudhole errbody, it is a "surprise"
  2. "I know you are but what am I?" What a fucking dumbass post. Keep your head buried firmly in your ass.
  3. I have a solid prospect. We will see. It pays to have insane records. My mom keeps everything on everything. Hopefully it works out. Shit is moving super fast. I am surprised.
  4. People with vocal fry.
  5. The infrastructure exists. Someone just needs to point Anonymous in the right direction. Let's make ole Ted and his lame/odd porn choices national news.
  6. Protip, older Fords have filters and if you exist in really dusty areas and have the old style filter (white fiber type) get the new style. My seat was not cooling for shit and I put a shop vac on the intake with the filter removed then replaced with the new filter. Night and day difference. The new filter is just a plastic piece with holes.
  7. It has been awhile since I sold a boat/car. Never sold an Airstream before. Holy shit, the amount of messages is overwhelming. The amount of bs is comical. It is almost a perfect human experiment. People are fascinating.
  8. The listing is here: https://www.airstreammarketplace.com/airstream-trailers-for-sale/2014-23ft-flying-cloud-for-sale-in-austin-texas I did not write it. Grandma wrote it. It is better writing than mine. I would have had at least 1 joke in the ad.
  9. I am so confused. Is this announcement 4 months late?
  10. If this happens again and they don't shoot them down, I will be really dissapointed in the Poles. They need to set a hard line now.
  11. Solid show. I read all of the Hillerman books. I love this shit. I want a show on the Fleck book. I think it was talking god? I love Hillerman.
  12. I guess. He doesn't have a personality to lead a show. I will listen but I don't expect much. He is not insightful at all. He just rides Rods stats and doesn't bring much. Maybe he will prove me wrong.
  13. KD/Rod B and occasionally B&E were the only two shows I listened to. When BK left, shit really slid and then KD took off. KD was the key for me to give up though. Harge has a great roladex but damn he was hard to listen to with his ineptitude at everything but baseball. He sounded like me talkin out my ass on the radio.
  14. That is dead sexy. I have seen this video before, that one cuts off too soon.
  15. 1234
  16. Well after a bunch of crazy family drama, I am going to finally sell the Airstream, again. Never deal with family on anything. I will write up something and post links tomorrow. We have a new cabin at the ranch and just need to let this go to someone who will actually use it as it is intended.
  17. The circle of life. We buy Chinese crap They supply ruzzia Ruzzia attacks Ukraine We supply them weapons I am sensing a painful solution to this deal, I just can't put my finger firmly on it.
  18. Twitter or x or whatever the fuck is so borked for me these days. Sucks. I cant see half the stuff posted.
  19. I am an idiot but what are we going to do if they are here and doing shit we can't fathom? Our society will wipe itself off the face of the earth on its own. We are talking about shit we can't control while ignoring everything we can. Why does any of this matter? Hearings and focus on this instead of things that are very real we ALL SEE everyday. What are we even doing here? They could have sent David Attenborough to make a show out of us. Focus on shit that is tangible and going to wipe us out now and then we can talk about the boogieman in the sky/ocean/universe. Just ignore that Rome is on fire. Fun fucking times.
  20. Well to be fair, it was still bigger than pootins. Begun the micro penis wars have.
  21. Does it matter if we kill everyone on earth out of the worlds hubris or ruzzia hubris? It would be cleaner knowing most of ruzzia was glass when I saw the light. Let's get this party started. CALL THEIR BLUFF. They won't do shit.
  22. Water level in the sea will be the least of our worries. Just get your popcorn ready for what happens first. It will be a fucking blast.
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