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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. I have no doubt they will sell it as a win somehow, but we all know the real reason they wanted Crimea. The real value was never what was on top of the ground.
  2. You must be fun at parties.
  3. Alex, I will take "east" for a 1000
  4. https://www.foxsports.com/live
  5. Dammit. Ok Morehouse, throw a changeup.
  6. I am gonna try it I think. It worked for 2 runs already. Fuck you Morehouse....
  7. I just said, "you fucking suck Daly." Right as he swung at that bomb. You're welcome.
  8. Whats up guys, I am here for the party. Whats happened so far in this thread?
  9. Day drinking vacation me don't spell or read no good no how.
  10. They can't be driving on busses to Miami. We better be flying the boys out. We're Texas.
  11. My wife has several pair of jlab earbuds and I tried to pair them with my phone and could never get them to work. User error I guess. I just bought several of the cheaper jbl buds and haven't had an issue. I just keep them everywhere so I have a pair whenever I need. I had an expensive pair of jbl buds that sounded amazing but they got washed and it fried them so my cheap/dumb ass decided I needed quantity over quality.
  12. I always wondered what it was like to see the nazi sympathizers peddling shit while war crimes went unchecked. Now I know. There are not two sides to this. You need a new username. You are a repugnant scum.
  13. Looks like they are out of Brady. What's their markup to come set it up? Do you know? Cazadores has the aws blinds I could grab and do myself but if it makes sense, I love being lazy and letting someone else do the work.
  14. I need to get you out here. Mostly rattlesnakes but I bet you would find the coachwhips. I have seen several but they usually bolt super fast. This one lingered. I actually thought I was shooting a video and only after it took off, realized it was that one pic. Fml.
  15. I guess I should also say....I am looking for recs or stay away from this one... etc..
  16. I need a new blind. Need to be able to get it from fredrickburg, Kerrville, Mason, junction area... or between Austin and there. I want to get something quality that can fit 2 grown men or me and 2 kids. The perfect blind imo was at a lease in South Texas but from what I can see they are 5 hours away and I am too lazy to go that far to spend 6k for the thing. Thinking 4'-6' base, but with the wind I get, 4' may be smartest. Caveat, I need to be able to get it here and setup with a 16' trailer & 28hp tractor.
  17. Yes. I'd want that coachwhip around if you're seeing rattlesnakes. Sweet. Well it went unmolested other than accidentally disturbing its temporary home.
  18. They eat rattler babies right? I saw 5 rattlers today, from juvenile to a huge fucker while doing tractor work at the ranch. Rattlers are everywhere here.
  19. Sorry for the shit pic, but I was trying to keep my dog from attacking the dude. I think this is a coachwhip. Super long and skinny, kept its head 4-6" off the ground when moving like it was a cobra. I was moving our redneck pool and it was under it. Scared the shit out of me at first. Then saw it was a good snek.
  20. I have another subscription I am about to cancel. The only reason I did it was so could get a cup or t-shirt or magnet or whatever the fuck it was at the time. The goddamn company never sent me my baubles AND have yet to deliver a respectable something or other I am supporting. I think it is called burntflix or something. All the subscription services are a ripoff..
  21. Have you seen 5th graders these days? They are terrifying. They train day in and day out on ROBLOX so they will be ready for battle. That cop stood no chance and had to act decisively and with direct force. Cop is lucky to be alive.
  22. Well, the zone MIGHT be opening up for us now.
  23. Between that and the terrible camera work, this may be unwatchable. Who TF is in charge of these camera angles?
  24. They dont even have weapons for their soldiers invading Ukraine, what makes you think you will get anything ivan? You will get nothing and like it.
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