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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. Got to International a this morning, all gold. What a grind. I kept getting within hundredths of gold then the stupid ghost feature would screw me. I need to just turn it off so it doesn't distract me. I am gonna dial in on the Cafe tonight once I get everyone fed and happy. I might have to get a wheel if they have one. Slipping on my controller game. Texas needs to just dominate this game so I can stop watching. Fuck the 4 letter calis
  2. If we live through the initial blast we will go to our spot way out in the wilds and live like savages until my wife kills me and feeds me to the dogs. I might make it 2 days if I don't get into the whiskey. I have a bunch of whiskey though.
  3. I could only play for 2 hrs this morning. Planning on hitting it hard super early tomorrow. I am focusing on licenses tomorrow. Love the game so far. Hits me right in the nostalgias.
  4. This was one thing that stood out to me on our support. Why would we not send a shitload of (even "out dated") NV equipment over. The leverage they could put on the Russians seems to be unlimited if they could fight at night. Maybe we have, just seems like a no brainer.
  5. Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Steel spikes!
  6. Oh I do. In front of her. She fucking hates me and I eat that shit up. I am a world class asshole.
  7. I should have prefaced my post with, we basically don't have a relationship and I would likely not piss on fire to put the one with the wife out. The other and I talk shit all the time and he gets over it. We have a loose relationship. Not worried.
  8. Both of my brothers, one of which is married to a Belarusian (mail order), are completely supporting Russia. I sent a random text to the non Belarusian about how crazy it is and he started ranting about how they were removing the new nazi threat. 🤔 The other one and his wife are all over fb about the threat Ukraine is to the world and Russia. Suffice to say, I have bombarded them with all the war crime videos and talking mad shit about pootin. Zero response. Good thing it is a long time till turkey day.
  9. People die, you post in the thread about unrelated drivel, while having your cockholster fully filled with your masters peen. Post less.
  10. Everything with wheat, corn, palm oil is going to cost more. The deer aren't getting as much corn from me this year.
  11. That dude needs sunscreen. Wtf is wrong with his face...beyond the obvious.
  12. You know the code of the streets. Don't be a bitch. Handle business. Blood in blood out.
  13. As a football fan, i agree. As a parent watching children get murdered, I want to say fuck you prick. I will settle on this.... I hope this ends fast with Ukraine citizens safe and I hope the televised torture of the perpetrator last till football season.
  14. Have you been watching this at all? My 10yr old would have a better plan just from playing roblox.
  15. From the looks of it, you could win this war with 5k old ass farmers.
  16. 40km line of shit to kill? Special forces across the globe are salivating.
  17. I am behind but that is the housing of a cluster bomb. So likely evidence of what we would consider a war crime. Pootin evidently doesn't care.
  18. So they commit more war crimes? That is our deterrence?
  19. No cr...but shitheads move coordinates well with our cycle and the sympathizers we allow to exist. He is daring us to go and gambling we won't. Meanwhile the sympathizer leader is praising the move and his propaganda machine is fanning the flames. We have to do something more or this will get much wilder. If nukes are launched the oligarchs are fucked. Do they support that?
  20. It was also debunked in the comments of that tweet. Everyone is still cranking it on schedule.
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