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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by HOOKEM4

  1. I had all the symptoms a month ago. Fever, sore throat, bad cough, diminished breathing capacity. Got over it kinda after a week. Then a week later it all came back and now over 2 weeks later, I still have breathing issues. Never went to the dr bc I am an idiot. I cant wait till I get the real deal and die. Kids will enjoy the windfall.

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  2. There are so many of those small little shitboxes that dont really do anything special. They cant carry a bunch of people, cant haul shit, cant carry large items. What do they do? Why do we need more of them? I am a huge fan of FoMoCo and the Bronco, but this doesn't move the meter.

  3. 10 hours ago, hundredTT said:

    Do pussies really do this? I’ve had arguments with the Ms. to where I thought she was about to slice my throat. But never would I give up my bed. She can put up with my loud snoring and complain. But she knows I’m not sleeping on the couch or anywhere else, fucking kidding me? 

    My wife slept on the couch saturday night and I enjoyed my own bed. Once I realized I had won the worthless argument, I did as Bill Burr said in his skit, went into the shell and let her punch herself out (figuratively).  Just take a knee, run out the clock, let her sleep it off on the couch. Worked like a charm and all is back to normal.

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