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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by HOOKEM4

  1. 1 hour ago, TedStriker said:

    Has this guy every explained what he did from 2pm when he got home until 6pm when he picked up the older child from school?  He's very detailed about the morning routine, but doesn't go into the most important part of the day..  not to mention, neighbors heard arguing from the apartment that afternoon...



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  2. My top suspect just told me the dad was at school eating with one of the kids. I have full daytime surveillance on my suspect now. He knows too much of this families movements. Apd will be informed once I recover the weapon used in the crime.

  3. One of my co-workers has a daughter that is friends with the missing woman's daughter. I guess he saw her very recently when she came and picked up her kid from his house. I immediately started questioning him. He is now person if interest no 1. At least that is what I am posting on next door.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Tailgate said:

    Mrs. Tailgate has been following this. Not sure if it’s in the thread but some YouTube mystery solver with @ 200k followers said he got an email from a man claiming to be the father of the baby that is missing. So, theory is current fiancé raged when he found out this kid wasn’t his.

    Who knows what really happened...but crazy shit...and agree with earlier posts....no one deserves to disappear like this...especially a three-week-old baby.

    Who knows but here is the video you are referencing. 



  5. Is it weird that I would not talk to the news media and have all statements go through a lawyer if I was in that position? It is a lose lose deal in my eyes. If you killed your wife, you are going to say some stupid shit that will incriminate you. If your wife was abducted, the public will dissect every little mannerism/statement and form an opinion on your guilt in an insanely stressful time. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, Spaulding Smails said:

    That app is pretty good for sure.  I'm in the same boat.  I don't necessarily plan around moon phases, but I pay attention to them when I'm headed out or when I'm on the fence about a trip.  For example, we have a full moon this Saturday.  I was thinking of running to the ranch for a quick trip Saturday, back home early Sunday.  When I was reminded of the moon phase, I decided to scrap it.  Doesn't help that my dad sat in a blind last night and didn't see much movement.  Rut still hasn't kicked off in Kimble Co from what we've seen.

    East kimble was last weekend. Thanksgiving week the little dudes were messing around then I went home and evidently last weekend was rolling. Fil got a good buck and now I am trying to get out of shit this weekend so I can go up, moon or no moon.

  7. 1 minute ago, jimmyjazz said:

    OK, so it's not my car.

    If you have the option you can change the preset to only regular radio and it will stop. I have 4 options for 104.9 on the radio that are all different. I guess in the digital age it is 104.9.1, 104.9.2.. .etc..

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Native Horn said:

    This is definitely a trivial thing that drives me crazy.  When I got in my car this morning and flipped on the Horn, I had to hear Bucky talk about "jewery" twice while he was doing a commercial for some local jeweler.  

    It switches from regular to HD radio all the time on my truck. That is when I have the "buffer" issue.

  9. I might have told this story before, sorry in advance. 

    I used to have jehovas witness or maybe LDS people swing by on Sunday way more often than anyone ever would need. The exchange always went the same and I always tried to kindly shoo them off and convince them to never come again, I was unsuccessful until one special Sunday.  My first child was a very difficult baby and very difficult to get to sleep. The weekend had been brutal with not enough sleep and we had finally got the kid to actually sleep. I went outside to work on a project and that is when it happened. All I heard was the wife's yappy dog start barking, then a baby screaming. The wife comes outside and angrily tells me someone is knocking on our front door despite the sign clearly stating "Do not disturb, baby sleeping."  I instantly lost my shit, stomped around to the front of the house and starting yelling at the idiot before I could even see who it was. Well it was two young kids dressed in their LDS outfits, maybe 14-15 years old and they were visibly terrified of me. That was when I realized, I was still holding the pick axe I had been using to dig in the backyard. They ended up running away before I really realized how crazy I looked. They have never returned and I am pretty sure they never will. 

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  10. I hate clicking "like" on these posts about good dogs passing on, but I do not like it at all. Sorry for your loss Bogeywon. The first one is the hardest and it doesn't ever get easier.


    My wife finally put down Yogi last week. I was not there and she did it without telling me beforehand. It was her dog and I had been begging her to do it for months so I was not pissed or anything. The poor guy had another seizure last week that lasted much longer than normal and after that, the wife finally admitted to herself it was time.  Rough times in doggy land and thoughts to everyone having to deal with the only downside of having a dog.

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