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Billy Pilgrim

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Everything posted by Billy Pilgrim

  1. Isn’t this how democracy should work? You should have the opportunity to change the government if you don’t like the way things are going? In my opinion, it’s too dangerous for one party to control presidency, senate and house. That party always fucks up trying to pander to the extremes of their base because they think they have a mandate and the midterms come along and correct…. as they should.
  2. Dude- just because people didn’t vote the way you voted doesn’t make them stupid or a bumpkin. It’s ok for people to have a different opinion on things than you do without them being an idiot. You probably don’t have a lot of moderate or republican friends or if you do, you don’t know who they are because you’re a difficult person to have a political conversation with because you can’t keep it congenial. you rag on people for voting for a party without investigating the issues. You realize that both bases do that right? The dems have inner city African Americans and college educated white men that will vote for them no matter who is running. The republicans have middle class white folks that will vote for them regardless of who is running. The suburban white women are swinging these elections based on their feelings.
  3. Again- you’re doubling down on the condescension. Most people on here have a pretty good idea of what CRT is but obviously you’re the expert on everything politics and we’re the uneducated philistines.
  4. You’re not going to want to hear this but here it goes anyway- moderate people don’t like condescension and being told how to act and feel. Your tone deaf posts last night and today come off extremely condescending and are a big part of the reason that dems are feeling heat right now. Moderates don’t want Hollywood elites, out of touch billionaires or random nobodies on an internet message board constantly telling us that we’re idiots or racists because we have a different opinion than you do. We don’t speak out and stay silent for fear of being cancelled because we voted differently than you and want the country governed from the center. Dems aren’t the only ones guilty of this. Trump does the same shit. Dems like you would rather double down on unpopular policies because you’re obviously smarter than everyone else and the average voter is an uneducated rube rather than learn a lesson from these elections.
  5. So many poor decisions by Casey against Oklahoma State and Baylor. Had many chance to run for 1st downs and instead threw stupid passes that got knocked down. I wanted to put this all on Moore and Washington but Casey had a huge hand in this loss too. Coaching staff really needs to send a message to these guys who continually fuck up and bench them. Leaving guys who continuously fail in above guys who think they could do better is how you lose a locker room.
  6. Sooners holding the shit out of tech too with no calls. We just need to start doing it. Fuck it- we’re losing anyway, may as well give it a shot and see if it changes anything
  7. I can promise you they’ll get a hold call on the next drive when the game is wrapped up. Just like OU game.
  8. Fucking nauseating watching highlights of Michigan receivers making plays and ours find new and creative ways to fuck over our team.
  9. A coach has to bench him to send a message to all the other players that it’s not OK to completely fuck over your teammates!! Be a good coach, Steve- don’t fuck the rest of your team over so you don’t hurt his feelings!!
  10. Announcer sounded genuinely disappointed that the punt made it into the end zone
  11. I’m done with Sark- shitty offensive coordinator, worse head coach. Fuck him.
  12. How can you be so obtuse? You think everyone on here has really fucked south Austin’s mom?? People joke on here all the time. Are the pedophilia jokes hitting too close to home for you?
  13. Yeah- it sucks to look forward to football season all throughout the spring and summer and then have your team go out and shit the bed for 2 straight 4th quarters after having the games in hand and render the season meaningless barely half way through. I’ll watch the game this weekend but only because I don’t happen to have any kids sports interfering with the game like every other 11 am start we’ve had this season.
  14. Should’ve been a flag for OPI if he didn’t get an int. Officials fucked this game up.
  15. Have you watched Fields in this game? I think it’s fairly obvious why he dropped. He’s got 2 fumbles and 2ints so far and the 4th just started.
  16. Thank you nfl for forcing me to watch a 35-3 shit show rather than watching a more entertaining game. I guess I’m going to have to go spend some time with my family instead of watching football.
  17. Penn State o line looks as shitty as ours. Lots of guys looking around for someone to block with about 4 defenders converging on QB or RB.
  18. The shittiest thing about the holds not getting called is that when the receivers do it, it’s so much easier to see than when it’s done on the interior of the line. They were so obvious and had an effect on the play.
  19. OU benefits from a shitty big 12 with no good defenses. The #3 team shouldn’t have this much trouble with Kansas. When they play a good defense, Williams is going to get his ass beat.
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