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Dr Fear

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Everything posted by Dr Fear

  1. Nice being on the other side of these types of innings for a change.
  2. The biggest grill disaster I ever had was with jalapeno poppers on the grill, and not just because of the mess I made. #NeverAgain The fundamental issue you have two foods that cook at vastly different rates. You need to par cook the bacon and have then finish without over cooking the shrimp and the bacon having at least a bit of crispness. Most online recipes say bacon in the oven, put together and cook in the oven, broil to finish. That sounds good to me but I might think about and air fryer to finish. I believe a lot of restaurants finish in the deep fryer.
  3. If you are talking individuals not companies, it appears to me that the most likely to sell are people who recently inherited them.
  4. Anyone know what's getting built between Frost and Oscar's on CB?
  5. Lol, Upper 90 went all out with one of these and some Red Barons.
  6. How did you discover this if you didn't hear it from him/her/it????
  7. Lol, oh, I still go, but I head up to Jacksboro highway location.
  8. I live right by there, a few months ago they didn't give me my credit card back one night and ran up almost $1000 by 10am.
  9. The Terry Black's Wendy's on 7th was torn down yesterday.
  10. That reveal deserved a bizarre south American/European musical performance.
  11. Ah, yes. Soviet inspired architecture.
  12. For those who don't know, they read picks in reverse. The Mavs want everyone to go in order from the bottom starting with NO then not have their name read at ten. I believe that puts them in the top 4. If someone goes out of order before them then they are probably gonna be at 11.
  13. Finally, a justification for the couple hundred feet of coax I have in the attic that my wife wants me to toss!!
  14. Ruiz is having himself a day in center.
  15. Bradford did get scratched from a RR start today but nothing official from the club. Looks to be legit.
  16. No shit? I would guess he will get some NFL interest.
  17. Overheard on the broadcast earlier "... he's also a licensed plumber." 🪠
  18. I've got a buddy that recently moved to Walnut Creek (just east of Oakland) from San Diego. He said the typical Nextdoor post went from "my car got broken into" to "I was carjacked in broad daylight."
  19. IDK if y'all could hear it on tv, but the crowd was chanting "sell the team" at the owner. You can clearly hear the PA announcer and individuals yelling on the crowd on the radio.
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