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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Ooooh, a lawyer objected to discovery. Scandalous.
  2. Do federal courts apply state anti-slapp laws? If so, why would Texas law apply to this case? Even if they do, Dominion would have to provide prima facie evidence to beat the anti-slapp, which in the case of defamation should be easy. The only at-issue element would be falsity, which dominion can establish by affidavit. I’m guessing the counter affidavits would be laughed out of court.
  3. In 90 minutes it will be two weeks past my second Moderna shot and I will be indestructible. I'm expecting I will bulk up and rip through my clothes like the Hulk.
  4. My kid has had type one diabeetus since he was one. Racist rants have never been a side effect of either high or low blood sugar. So I guess I have that to look forward to at some point.
  5. Thanks for the correction. I guess they were wrong when they said everything you read on the internet is true. With overdose not a reasonable cause of death, I update my armchair handicapping to 2-1 against a conviction for any murder charge.
  6. Now 46 hours out from Moderna number two and nada. Sore arm has resolved and so other side effects. Same for my wife.
  7. And I thought I read be had an assload of fentanyl in his system. Like potentially a fatal dose outside of the choke and other contributing factors. If that’s accurate, good luck to the prosecutors getting to reasonable doubt on murder.
  8. I’ve got this one handicapped 4:1 in favor of acquittal due to a evidentiary issues on causation.
  9. I guess I got in on “leftover” shots. Houston Health opened injections to anyone on 2/9. Registration opened in the morning and was for injections that day only. I suppose they either had to get those injections done that day or had a surplus, infrastructure and manpower to vaccinate a bunch of folks and weren’t willing to waste it when folks could be getting vaccinated right then. The facility was massive and set up to vaccinate thousands but there was virtually no one there. For both appointments, time to entering the parking lot (never got out of the car) to injection was 2-5 minutes.
  10. I am 22 hours after Moderna number two and have had no side effects, other than a moderately sore arm. Less sore than after the first injection. There are six of us - three sets of parents in our neighborhood - who got the first 2/9 and second yesterday. Of those, two reported moderate fever, aches and chills. Other four only a sore arm.
  11. Just got Moderna number two off Will Clayton by IAH. Total time from entering the parking lot to injection was two minutes.
  12. So is the City going to dick around with this or send in some skull crackers to clear out the rabble-rousers?
  13. So, I guess, either way you’re butthurt? Sounds like a no-winner to me.
  14. I gotta say, it looks like your righteous indignation has been denied.
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