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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. At this point Saban should be considered for an analyst position at least. Might as well bring the whole crew down.
  2. So how do NY lawyers get disbarred? Judges?
  3. This wasn't anything but the dumbass coppers not having enough security to keep a mob of loons outside. The idiots were not attempting to overthrow the government, were not armed and didn't even occupy the building. I'm sure they were as surprised as anyone they got through. They spent a lot of their time taking selfies and having mini tantrums. Trump did try for a bloodless coup by trying to get key members of state and federal government to ignore the rule of law and declare him president but that didn't go anywhere. Had the coppers had BLM-level security this would have never happened. The hyberbole can stop now.
  4. Lol wut??? When you make your move in a coup you go hard to the paint. Because there’s a response coming if you don’t score some points. Placeholders? Jesus.
  5. I quit voting Republican at the 2016 election (couldn’t vote for Hillary either - hate that woman). I don’t see myself voting republican ever again. I have nothing in common with these idiots whatsoever. I had D campaign posters in my yard this November for the first time. I’m guessing there’s a whole lot like me.
  6. The landscape shots of the capital show that there aren’t that many people there. I get wanting to treat these loons with kid gloves but when is it enough? Clear these idiots out.
  7. In the past, I’ve been known to drink the koolaid. I did it when Herman was hired - thought he was the next great coach. This time, I’m wiser and more worldly, and can confidently say that Sark is the absolute right man and the right time. I expect the 30 for 30 to be out before the decade is up.
  8. I take it Sark and Ewers are tight? Like a second father?
  9. I haven't been paying attention to this thread for a while now but am glad to see Urban is all and the plan that's been in place all along is unfolding just as predicted.
  10. Are there pussy babies really whining about our third string DBs not being up to snuff? In garbage time? Where do you aggy idiots hang out during the week?
  11. I’m going to chime in and then not pay attention. Why do some morons think Sam is going anywhere? I love the kid but his draft grade has got to be lower round at best. What is there to discuss?
  12. Lol wut? Do you have a head injury? That don’t make no sense.
  13. Is there a game thread or is this it? Why is everything fucked up like reddit?
  14. Our impact players are a drug dealing TE and some guy I’ve never really heard about???
  15. First sub 500 team to the Super Bowl.
  16. Those lunatics that somehow get on stage at press conferences or speeches and translate into sign language with nonsensical sign language gibberish.
  17. CBS is apparently not showing the game on U-verse in Houston. Some message about cunts arguing contracts.
  18. Dude, nothing in this train wreck will ever top the Elite Strike Force presser at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping next door to a smut shack.
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