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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Is there some type of explanation for this? There should be more testing with record deaths and schools about to open up.
  2. The writing quality alone tells you this is a guy whose really plugged in at thte highest levels.
  3. Taking the family to Jamaica Beach towards the end of the month. I would like to take my boys, 9 and 12, bay fishing. Anyone know of a good guide?
  4. My kids got a slight coughand it was either test or skip the Fourth of July with their aging grandparents. My wife called around and got the kids tested that day at a clinic in Katy. Results back in 15 minutes.
  5. This story is what people in the industry refer to as “fake.”
  6. Texas Supreme Court is expected to issue something this evening regarding the Republican convention going forward in person in Houston.
  7. Yeah, that convention ain't happening.
  8. I don’t have a narrative. I was one of the ones early on saying this would be a whole bunch of nothing, just like the chicken little Ebola thread a few years ago. I admit to being wrong. I got scared in March when no one knew if this thing was spreading like crazy in Texas like it was in New York. It wasn’t and l thought the worst was behind us in May. The mid-to-late June numbers for Texas are pretty scary. We’re on an upward trajectory that’s not showing signs of abating. Daily numbers will fluctuate.
  9. https://tabexternal.dshs.texas.gov/t/THD/views/COVIDExternalQC/COVIDTrends?%3AisGuestRedirectFromVizportal=y&%3Aembed=y
  10. I am not seeing any data indicating a drop off in Harris county. Shit still looks fucked.
  11. It's at 97% of base capacity, of 1330 beds. The surge capacity is 2,200 beds.
  12. I’ve checked out of this thread since we de facto declared the pandemic mostly over (btw is that Greenspoint fellow still cowering in a corner?) but I thought the data was pretty strong that viral load was key to transmission and you are like 20 times safer being outdoors. I remember reading that mass spreading events almost always occurred in confined spaces where people were in close proximity for an hour or more and running their mouths, singing, etc. is that not still the going theory?
  13. Dammit Gerg.
  14. Good, cause he's in fifth grade.
  15. He’s eleven. Not going to write him off quite yet.
  16. He's in fifth grade so I'll cut him a little slack.
  17. I got him a blue mini cooper way back when. He was driving early.
  18. Lol, no.
  19. This is the same little shit I had car issues with back in 2011 on the old site.
  20. That's combined. 370 and 370.
  21. I've got to figure out some way to motivate him. Think whippin his ass would work?
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