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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. Both teams suck ass. Don’t get bent.
  2. Did Derka admit he was a know-nothing moron with his take or did he toss out Hamm-like excuses while still claiming his superiority?
  3. I ain’t going to no damn Rice.
  4. So did we move Epps to receiver and fuck the TE stuff?
  5. I can’t help but think it’s sometime around now that a bunch a koolaid-fueled aggy are just starting to wonder why they haven’t taken that next step yet. Because they should because Jimbo. Yet here we are.
  6. Twitter is a cunt factory.
  7. I too am interested to see if Loochi or any of the other officers from the Ministry of Propaganda are going to overlook or address the fact that Jimbo flat gave up on the win and played to make the game appear to be something less than the beating it was. I'd be irate if a Texas coach did that. I lost a lot of respect for Patterson when he did it last year.
  8. Anyone know where I can find this missive about some redneck getting lost seven times in a parking lot?
  9. I I didn't say there weren't reasonable people here, I just called you fat.
  10. Kidding right? The overweight, whiskey-pickled brain trust here knows more than any football coaching staff, including ours. You will therefore many deep, insightful posts on how stupid our coaches are after every hiccup this team faces. Most of them have to be written on the sly because they're being formulated and re-formulated at the same MENSA meeting Herman attends.
  11. I’m just a schlub municipal worker and got through chemo and multiple surgeries with little OOP. Guess I just got lucky.
  12. You don’t know shit about it. Dumbfuck.
  13. Go fuck yourself.
  14. Go fuck yourself.
  15. Old post. Go fuck yourself.
  16. Damn that Mond fellow doesn’t believe in throwing them low.
  17. That punt was a beaut, Clark.
  18. So much for game day going to Clemson/Syracuse.
  19. It’s probably not lupus.
  20. Texas 42, LSU 17
  21. Why do you whine like little girl?
  22. Stop being a pussy.
  23. I ain’t going to go to no damn TCU.
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