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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. What's attractive got to do with it?
  2. I'm already watching a 10u team but will coach the 8u. If they do well and want to stick together into 9 and 10u we'll find them better coaches at some point. And, yes, I recognize that this time is going to fly by and am enjoying it.
  3. Our school has a bumper crop of second grade players and we're putting together a tournament team to play this summer - 8u. I've been told to sign up with USSSA or Nations Baseball, get some unis and that's about it. What else do I need to know?
  4. I’m sitting at field two right now and, yes, it’s a dump.
  5. Weather was crazy. We had a 9:45 game at Doss by the racetrack cancelled. We drove into the rain and it was pouring. But the little league fields on the west side at I-10 and the beltway were dry until after 3.
  6. He’s one of those incel characters because he’s socially awkward but thinks he’s above the dating pool open to him.
  7. Truth didn’t make that list?
  8. Hey, that kangaroo stole my ball.
  9. This thread has the feel of a pro se litigant adamantly arguing the law.
  10. You are the target audience for this type of journalism.
  11. You are the target audience for this type of journalism.
  12. Dude, you can’t tell the poor schlubs parked in the outfield to not even try to make the only good play they can possibly make, even if they’re just as likely to catch it with their faces. Let them try to catch the ball.
  13. How was that a hit?
  14. You read about the Gimli glider?
  15. What’s a “nit”?
  16. I don’t know nothing about recruiting but I know a high schooler has a lot of love for wherever he voluntarily spends spring break, be that South Padre Island or a college football team.
  17. Roller Blades
  18. We’ve been together 20 plus years and married 15 plus. The battle lines are drawn. The trenches are well established. Withdrawing oral at this point is not in the cards. That would cause a cataclysmic rupture in the married-with-kids work-life balance.
  19. Couldn’t decide which thread this best fits but it goes here. 10 year old is eating dinner and watching tv. He has his hand down his pants (that trait comes from my side of the family). Goes something like this: Wife: what are you doing? Why is your hand down your pants? Kid: dumb look Wife: You’re eating. That’s gross. You’re putting your hands on your private parts and then eating food. You can get sick with the germs. Kid: Removes hands from pants. A few minutes later, with the kid out of earshot. Wife: Don’t you think that’s dirty? Eating after having your hands on your junk? Me: deadpan Wife: I think it’s gross. Me: You know you skip the whole middle part of that process from time to time. Wife: deadpan Me: You put my penis in your mouth. Wife: (hamster wheel turning) Well maybe I won’t do that anymore!
  20. Lol wut? Should they fire police or other city employees to pay for the firefighters massive pay raise? The police have collectively bargained with the City for years. The firefighters used to do that but they went for the big payday. They got it and now they’re seeing the other side of the coin. If I was Turner I’d make them work regular shifts like the police - no more working three days a week and going to your other job with the four days off.
  21. Uh, I think he’s just doing his job. Nobody hates firefighters but the HFD union has refused to negotiate in good faith for years and is being incredibly greedy. They knew the fiscal impact this would have on the City and knew firefighters were going to b the first laid off. Didn’t care, the well entrenched got more money in their pockets. You’re in clown school if you fall for this faux outrage now.
  22. Guy shouldn't have been shot but there is definitely a bit of natural selection at work here.
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