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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. I like those. Do more of them.
  2. I reject your question and find your credentials to be suspect.
  3. Hanrahan


    “I ain’t going to no damn TCU.” — Brennan Eagles
  4. Hanrahan


    It’s not surprising that you’re a miserable bastard even outside the politics cluster.
  5. Go fuck yourself. He’s not a placeholder until the next best thing, he’s a legit QB.
  6. Hanrahan


    Fuck him and his cockroach sweaty fucking fat ass.
  7. Was Colin Johnson killed in a kiln fire midway through the second?
  8. I didn’t think you were allowed to keep going to something that was working for you.
  9. You were in a van full of equipment on 35 in the left lane and got passed by a girl in the right lane? 100% you fault.
  10. Time to complain about goal line play calling.
  11. I hope your face falls into a bandsaw.
  12. Smell you later lightweight Nancy-boy fag.
  13. Is it time to start panicking and throwing tantrums or are we cool for the first quarter?
  14. Did anyone ever drag out the real story behind the bullshit defensive holding on a run play those cunt refs called on Poona?
  15. I The wife - who if generally frugal by nature - has gone looney for wagyu filets. I’m not complaining.
  16. You’ll be lucky to get a light sprinkling.
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