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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. I’m 100% sure neither of my kids have smoked weed. But I do.
  2. Wagyu strip from Central Market. I am skeptical, but hopeful. Apologies for taking pic so you can’t see the marbling well.
  3. Lotta cunts chiming in. You guys need to swim at the bottom of the pool for 15 minutes.
  4. Kinda wondering what the average BMI is round these parts.
  5. Maybe he wasn't an amputee, killed her, then hacked off his leg to establish an alibi.
  6. Not a parent, I see. I never left either of my kids in the car on accident, but I could see how it can happen.
  7. Do you happen to be a butthurt girly sissy?
  8. I’ve just been reading and now watching the Reacher series. Tom Cruise’s casting is among the worst I’ve ever seen. just wrong. Someone should be shot for making that decision.
  9. I’ve tried the garden the last three years with no experience, talent or advice. Think I’ve grown three deformed carrots from seed to table. This year nothing grew. They sprouted, stunted and died. Another few decades and I’ll get it down.
  10. Hanrahan


    ‘‘Tis the opposite. Get cartridge, attach to pen. Smoke.
  11. You have to know the password to get the underwear off.
  12. Damn, he’s dead already.
  13. How was the Brit snatch?
  14. Is that the aggy who was mewling about plug n play aggy football a few years ago or was that some different aggy?
  15. That article is going to leave a mark.
  16. Um, no. You should have said you trapdoored his mom last night.
  17. People who use the word “cognizant” instead of “aware” are not to be taken seriously.
  18. Hope this guy gets out soon and continues to torment the neighborhood.
  19. Dud is 5'8," 145 pounds? Haha. What a wee leprechaun.
  20. I was on hornfans but didn’t post much because I’m an asshole and the warning/banhammer/butthurt would have been coming in short order.
  21. Well, there's a fire at or near Hamm's little rent-an-office, so there's an appreciable chance his stupidity has set his office aflame.
  22. And you and your playmates are terrible people. Nuke the politics board.
  23. Cycling is a constant doping scam. Lance did it better and more ruthlessly than anyone else. And he won more than anyone else. I don’t hold it against him. All those motherfuckers were doping to win. They don’t deserve sympathy because they weren’t treated fairly by Lance in their efforts to cheat.
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