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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. I’m going to be an ass and admit I find your continued outbursts entertaining. Didn’t you have it in for your wife? How is she? Why get bent about a milkshake from a fast food joint? You need to calm the fuck down.
  2. The Last Jedi is the only Star Wars movie I have seen once. I walked out of the theatre like the Jacksonville Jaguars guy. Sequels were shit show train wrecks destined to be shit from the drawing board. TLJ had the raw pieces to be a good to awesome story. But the story line was shit. Just dumb. Luke’s final run was shit. Rose is a mongoloid twat. Benecio del Toro had no business in the movie. I’ll shut up now with confidence these feelings plus others have been rehashed ad nauseam.
  3. My six year old is a pale cracker. My wife bought a picture frame that had a stock picture of a middle aged bald black man and his wife. Six year sees it and asks, “Mommy, is that a picture of you and daddy from the olden days?”
  4. I don’t understand ocean pressure at depth, and I’ve been scuba certified since age 12. I get the general concept but they have to make a submarine tank to get to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and the first thing they see down there is some type of soft-bodied skate. Why isn’t that thing crushed into a tiny ball when my head would implode miles above it?
  5. My oldest (9) was digging through the wife’s nightstand tonight waiting on her. There’s a vibrator in there. Getting to the age we’re going to have to sex-proof the house.
  6. Did he have clear margins?
  7. Not sure. I don't keep track of the penises.
  8. You know who I am. I coach the Brewers.
  9. Last night was great. Our team with heretofore little power was cranking the ball to the outfield last night. We run-ruled a decent team top of four. The fans atall four fields were going nuts.
  10. Tat Tat Tat What the fuck, man?
  11. Dumbasses at four way stops before me who will not proceed into the intersection until my car has made a complete stop, especially when I'm pretty far back when they arrive. From time to time I'll roll right through the stop sign and their outrage is my reward.
  12. The inbound Katy Freeway comes to a grinding halt near downtown every morning because of the number of people who are trying to merge onto 45, which is always backed up. So the I-10 to 45 merge lane is always a line/parking lot. Then you have the line cutters/assholes/dumbasses who fail to get into the merge lane line but have no qualms whatsoever of slowing down or coming to a complete stop one lane over to wait their turn to cut in line. The king of the cutters/assholes/dumbasses was on the road this morning and wanted to up the ante. He was two lanes over and decided he needed on 45 pronto so, yes, he slowed down to three miles per hour so he could cut halfway across the highway, people behind him be damned. He was successful but failed to see the cops waiting there on the entrance ramp, one of which was already waiving him to the shoulder by the time he got on the entrance ramp.
  13. Thanks. That helped me change my signature to "Dr.J is a cuntbucket." Dr.J is a cuntbucket.
  14. Our school has eight teams in the SBMSA draft and JKates wouldn't let us stack them so out midget team is good but middling.
  15. Plus that little number with the big ole titty.
  16. Hell I tear up at “wanna have a catch” just because I know the answer in a few years will be “no.” Can’t keep em this young for long.
  17. Absolutely my favorite comedian. Live the guy. Smart bastard too. That bit about recoiling seeing two gay guys making out and then explaining, step by step, the process of why he dislikes it was awesome.
  18. Herman’s going national. The Station is not going to be happy.
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