There been many cases filed by local governmental entities - counties, ISDS and cities - arguing that Abbott does not have the power under the Disaster Act to forbid local mask mandates. Almost all trial court have ruled in favor of local control. The Texas Supreme Court, which is 100% Republican, stayed those orders in Dallas and San Antonio earlier this week (or late last week). There was another case out of Austin involving Harris County and some school districts. Like before, the trial court ruled in favor of the local governments and against Abbott. Also like the other cases, it ended up before the Supreme Court, although there was no stay issued. This evening, the Supreme Court ruled against Paxton and Abbott and dismissed the state’s “appeal.” (Appeal is quoted because it was technically a different legal vehicle, but had the same effect of getting the case before the Pub Supreme Court). There is no opinion so I’m not sure if it’s a procedural ruling or a merits ruling, but it was certainly unexpected that the Supreme Court would deny Abbott relief and rule in favor of Harris County being able to enforce mask mandates.