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Everything posted by Hanrahan

  1. There been many cases filed by local governmental entities - counties, ISDS and cities - arguing that Abbott does not have the power under the Disaster Act to forbid local mask mandates. Almost all trial court have ruled in favor of local control. The Texas Supreme Court, which is 100% Republican, stayed those orders in Dallas and San Antonio earlier this week (or late last week). There was another case out of Austin involving Harris County and some school districts. Like before, the trial court ruled in favor of the local governments and against Abbott. Also like the other cases, it ended up before the Supreme Court, although there was no stay issued. This evening, the Supreme Court ruled against Paxton and Abbott and dismissed the state’s “appeal.” (Appeal is quoted because it was technically a different legal vehicle, but had the same effect of getting the case before the Pub Supreme Court). There is no opinion so I’m not sure if it’s a procedural ruling or a merits ruling, but it was certainly unexpected that the Supreme Court would deny Abbott relief and rule in favor of Harris County being able to enforce mask mandates.
  2. That’s actually the Harris County case (that was decided in Austin). The appeals court had recently ruled against the County but the Supreme Court ruled in their favor - at least for now.
  3. I believe that’s the Fort Bend county case. There’s so many it’s hard to keep up.
  4. https://www.txcourts.gov/supreme/orders-opinions/2021/august/august-19-2021/
  5. Apparently the Texas Supreme Court just denied mandamus in the mask case. Not sure if it’s a procedural ruling or if it’s merits-based.
  6. Cases are one thing but I’d be more interested in seeing the comparative hospitalization and death rates.
  7. You're now in the control group with the antivaxx cooters. You should head down to your nearest feed shop before there's another run on horse paste.
  8. Texas did not request five "mortuary trailers." They're called "Liberty Limos."
  9. Hard to lose a lawsuit when the other side doesn't show up to defend itself.
  10. Interesting legal plot line - governmental entities are immune from fines unless immunity is waived. Governmental immunity can only be waived by the legislature. The legislature has not waived immunity for failure to comply with Abbott's emergency orders. Good chance local governments cannot be compelled to pain Abbott's fines.
  11. A democratic judge on the 1st Court of Appeals just stayed a Fort Bend County TRO against GA-38 based on the Texas Supreme Court's stay orders in Bexar and Dallas. It at least shows we're not 100% partisan. She may not like or agree with the stay order from the SC but she's bound to follow it.
  12. Had a dad in the neighborhood in Houston die from it recently.
  13. https://news4sanantonio.com/news/local/judge-approves-temporary-restraining-order-against-state-over-masks
  14. A government lawyer told me San Antonio issued a TRO against Abbott's no-mask mandate.
  15. Apparently, a San Antonio court has issued a TRO on Abbott's mask ban. I can't find anything in the news yet but that's a government lawyer told me.
  16. Should be a dumb question, I know. After 15 years of low key negotiations, we finally agreed on a lab. Wife wants a rescue cause good karma. The rescue labs I’ve seen online strike me as being huge pains in the ass - as in spaz dogs that have been dropped off because they suck. I don’t care about the initial cost, I just want a relatively chill lab who won’t chew our shit up and generally be a pain in the ass. Can I find a rescue/foster? Or our we better off buying a “quality” lab?
  17. Apparently one the posters on that board, a doctor, died of Covid some time ago. I've seen his name mentioned (can't remember what it is) when the covidiots are pounding there chests about not vaxxing or masking. They get all bent out of shape for bringing THAT up and then it all gets deleted.
  18. This is no shit absolutely true. The Texags politics board is riddled with folks who refuse to vaccinate but are all in on horse paste if they get the Rona. It's nuts.
  19. Cop says the DA stacked the deck to get an indictment. Captain Ant says the cops tried to stack the deck to get a no bill. The former is knows to happen regularly; never heard of the latter happening.
  20. This is like Lucy with the damn football.
  21. Yeah, I know at least two people who were vaccinated and got it recently. One had some not-so-minor symptoms but she didn't end up in the hospital. Kids are dragging this crap back from summer camps - Pine Cove and Ozark.
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