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Everything posted by Bosco

  1. Bosco


  2. Bosco


  3. Which it wasn’t in this case.
  4. This expert explains it best: https://twitter.com/AMikeBloomType/status/1511871555109859333?s=20&t=Z-n_YMQ5Gx6d_d81u3Ox2w
  5. Watching with my boys now (8 and 10). They are loving it but it’s not for me. Reviews are good though.
  6. https://twitter.com/RicardFoye/status/1458611698647109635?s=20
  7. POV winner
  8. Nominees and POV winner.
  9. Yes, if Claire had all of the knowledge that we do outside the house her best bet was to put up 3 Cookout members. But she doesn't. She has a group she is working with which includes Tiffany. If Tiffany thought it was in their best interest to target Sarah Beth, Claire thinks keeping things the same makes sense to her. Obviously she's wrong but she doesn't know the Cookout exists.
  10. Yes, Claire was told she must throw the next HoH.
  11. Bosco

    RIP Charlie Watts

  12. HoH and nominees.
  13. Claire is probably the biggest BB fan in the house and is considered the most knowledgeable about the game which is why she is probably ranked so high. Most of those voting in that poll are live feed watchers and not the casual CBS viewers.
  14. Yep that's not me.
  15. https://myiclicktv.com/big-brother-news-bb23-is-cast-recruit-or-fan-check-out-the-answer/ One of the recruits (bald woman) was replaced by superfan Claire.
  16. You are a fucking liar. You don't watch the live feeds or you would know almost of these people are huge BB fans. Go Pokes is pretty much dead on about everything and you seem to be watching BB20 or BB21 right now. Go away or continue to embarrass yourself.
  17. I’ve been wearing that Dreamwear full face mask for almost 3 years and it works great. I’m a stomach sleeper and mouth breather and I have no issues wearing it. And you don’t need a prescription to buy a mask. You can buy on Amazon. I buy all of my components on Amazon.
  18. Local CBS in Houston is back on Uverse.
  19. New trailer:
  20. same
  21. Legal experts on here weigh in. Shouldn't the assault charge still be active as it is a state charge? This was just a federal charge plea, no?
  22. Spoiler on who won HoH.
  23. Agreed. There's some disagreement as to whether he was going to say it or say "idiot".
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