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Everything posted by JFKFC

  1. If you did a shot of tequila for every double-post, you would have died on page 3.
  2. Everyone on this board is stupid. We need to have co-Head Coaches, Sark & Meyer. Regardless of your skepticism, I have a foolproof argument that will convince you I am right. So that you all approach this discussion in a patient and thoughtful way, I will post one letter of my argument every day in this thread. Here we go: T
  3. I don't think he was ever given a fair shot. Faber est suae quisque fortunae.
  4. I vividly remember my dream last night. My whole family was on a boat in a storm. A huge waved capsized the boat. We were all scattered. The waves were raging. Somehow, we all swam together and locked arms and I knew we would support each other. We would survive. That was the moment I woke up. Sitting there in bed and thinking about this dream, that was when I realized that the most important thing in my life was Texas Football recruiting.
  5. I was worried about our out of state D-line recruits. Now I am content. I am accepting celebratory gifts. Bitcoin is preferred.
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