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  1. Caught the first hour of the new one. It was pretty ho hum but I do enjoy when they hate each other for a while.
  2. Ugh...I was out of town last week and just finished last weeks' episode with Steven. Looking forward to the boredom!
  3. The austin chick was cute as hell. Has a little Dakota Johnson thing going. Brit chick was annoying.
  4. Check out Fool Me Once...pretty good and the main actress is this goddess.
  5. Wow...the legless chick was impressive. And she had a great partner. Haven't seen the second half yet. Roofied and left on a train track. Unreal.
  6. Haven't watched yet, it's on the DVR. Sad about Sarah...that chick was pretty cool.
  7. Couldn't agree more.
  8. Nole-4-Life


    I say this with a spotless record of staunch heterosexuality....Spence is one put together dude.
  9. He was hilarious in Heartbreakers.
  10. Love that skit.
  11. Damn...gotta give her props.
  12. Scarface was entertaining but hard to take seriously. It was a little too campy for my taste. I'd list Godfathers I and II, Goodfellas, The Departed, One Upon a Time in America and Casino
  13. Weakest weekend update in a while. Dog park was great. Overall a meh episode for me.
  14. Damn you never know what demons someone may be battling. You’d think being married to her would be enough to make life pretty great. But then you know what they say about hot women….
  15. She sounds like a delicate flower. I like her!
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