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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. We enjoyed it. The time jump was an interesting twist for sure.
  2. Dr. No and Goldfinger are the quintessential Connery Bond movies. Of Moore's I liked Live and Let Die. And Casino Royale from Craig.
  3. Just scrolled through this dude's feed and he's breathtakingly stupid. Where do you find these guys? Me too...it was startling.
  4. Well with an ass like that, yeah.
  5. Is that M a thousand or a million? I'd go ahead and school the 8th grader for 10 million. Course my luck would be the 8th grader is 6'7" and a prodigy.
  6. SPOILER FOR A 24 YEAR OLD FILM: Don't know which ending this is but I like the one where Porter breaks out of the truck of the car and blows up Kristofferson on the phone bomb telling him "you were right not to trust me."
  7. I had no idea there were two versions. I have it on DVD, then watched it streaming somewhere and it had a completely different ending. Wasn't as good.
  8. Born in 1929 so more like late mid 50s.
  9. Pretty sure it was clamor-free.
  10. Haven't heard it yet, but was the Pam Anderson interview worth a shit?
  11. She was also good at that pervert Mr. Holland's wife.
  12. Ah yes.... "So....about the time I'm getting out of prison, HOPEFULLY, you'll be coming out of your coma. And guess what? I'll split your fuckin' head open again....because I'm stupid." Nicky gave zero fucks.
  13. Hell all 4 are just video conferencing.
  14. Yeah he fucked around and found out.
  15. Maybe the same character with a different name Pesci played in Casino.
  16. Bob fucking Dylan but no Steve Perry? I'm a better singer than Bob fucking Dylan.
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