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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. I've seen the first half (started too late to finish it all), but am enjoying it so far. I loved the beginning how it started exactly like the original.
  2. Just finished reading Molly's Game and that sounds like something Tobey Maguire would actually say.
  3. I have a nearly 50 year old Alvaraz that still sounds amazing.
  4. God damn this is such a great song. TP was a loss for sure.
  5. Exactly...it was a hard turn from model dad to the filthiest comic on stage. The juxtaposition was shocking. He was a funny dude. RIP.
  6. Rock guitarist vs. IT Director. I just needed more talent. A lot more.
  7. Somebody review it already. I know some of you guys have seen it now.
  8. Someone with more skills than me should Photoshop in a turd underneath him.
  9. Yeah that governor shit was low as hell. I'm now hoping the Duttons lose the ranch and they build an entire city on their land.
  10. Those were definitely the two standout sketches IMO. And Billie be rude. Got a little ScarJo thing going.
  11. Dark Shadows....could have been so good and creepy (I know...it was a TV series) but they went the camp/humor route. Very strange and BAD.
  12. I didn't buy the one I was asking advice on. It just had too many mods for such a nice guitar. I got one that's a 2002 and pristine.
  13. Just pulled the trigger on this... Martin HD-28 on Reverb
  14. Sorta my thought too. Also turns out it doesn't have a pickup so that's a dealbreaker for me. The search continues....thanks!
  15. Guy near me wants $2000 for this Martin HD-28. I really like that model, but it's 30 years old and has some modifications. Is this a good deal? Should I pull the trigger? Notice the upper register frets he had removed. Thought that was weird. click for image
  16. Guy near me wants $2000 for this Martin HD-28. I really like that model, but it's 30 years old and has some modifications. Is this a good deal? Should I pull the trigger? click for image
  17. No. And neither of these shows are military.
  18. You could come to my house. We use it more. Lots of people do...my stepson and his family use it like any other word. Just seems like overkill to me the way they do it on these two shows.
  19. I love the show and I'm not a prude by a long shot but damn they beat the word FUCK into the ground. I've worked and lived in some rough situations and never heard it used to much. At this point it's just for shock value, I guess, but it's offputting. That and Mayor Of Kingstown too.
  20. Been a while so I've forgotten, but did they ever verify if Stan's girlfriend was a spy or not?
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