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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. Also, what was the third hour on my DVR? I only got thru the first two. Was it an "after the show" get together? I like those.
  2. Also got his knee whacked by Paulie in the Sopranos for wanting to sell the waste management company.
  3. Is there some reason they wouldn't? I haven't heard anything about that. I really hope they do. The 60 day was pretty awesome. Just don't let that idiot Lacey anywhere near it.
  4. That damn canoe was nails.
  5. I have a buddy who's a wizard on one of those. He's a bass prodigy as well.
  6. Paulie might be the unintentionally funniest character in any tv show ever.
  7. I have mad respect for Jake. He's become a man and a good skipper the last couple of seasons.
  8. Watching Bill all choked up over Nick when he's pretty much shit on his own son makes me want to strangle that asshole.
  9. Yep...a matter of time before Gary's schtick caught up with him. I hope Matt smothers Jeff in his sleep. All that screaming like a little girl. He needs to be called out.
  10. Not even a character in the film per IMDB. Hard to believe they'd gloss over that little detail.
  11. How will he make the Munsters super violent with fuck being every third word?
  12. Next to that chick who tapped out first (name is escaping me) Jeff is the most unlikable person on that show ever. That bridge was amazing. I'm sure they'll build an electrical substation next.
  13. Just watched that this weekend. Was entertained.
  14. Just Youtubed it....damn what a flawless body. Jim Halpert is a lucky man.
  15. I've been in love with Emily Blunt since I saw those legs in a miniskirt in The Adjustment Bureau.
  16. Everytime I ever saw Heart back in the day they would throw a Zep song on the setlist. And kill it.
  17. World class stems.
  18. Agreed...that's some disturbing looking shit right there.
  19. I’ll be happy if Gary taps. What a smug self-absorbed douche. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Got a feeling we'll be reading his obit in the not so distant future.
  21. Nole-4-Life

    Led Zeppelin

    Cot damn that is SO GOOD! Wish they would have done a whole tour rather than a one-off.
  22. Yeah she was damn cute. And just when I thought someone had probably left Harley bleeding in a ditch....
  23. I was thinking Trump was a presidential primary candidate when he hosted and widely hated by the elite left of Hollywood. Am I mistaken?
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