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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. Agree on A...she has a little Anna Kendrick thing going on. Those bugs seem unbearable.
  2. So no Harley this year huh? Maybe someone beat him to death.
  3. Best thing on TV right now, IMO. EDIT: I see I basically posted the same thing a month ago. I must mean it.
  4. I get those dripping panties dropping when I do Truly, Madly, Deeply at karaoke.
  5. True story. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I loved how she said she was tapping to get away from him. What a worthless cunt.
  7. Only laugh I got was the names of the hot peppers. Hitlers Penis and Satan's Diarrhea.
  8. Cream - Disrali Gears Elton John - Goodbye Yellowbrick Road James Taylor - Greatest Hits Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti Boston - Boston Journey - Infinity Led Zeppelin - IV Deep Purple - Machine Head Uriah Heep - The Magician's Birthday Eric Clapton - Reptile
  9. Damn that was impressive looping.
  10. I borrowed a friend's cheap low end looper one time and had a helluva time with the timing. I'm hoping this one will be a little easier to use.
  11. I'd give her a counterclockwise swirl....
  12. Just picked up one of these. How much fun am I gonna have?
  13. I have an Alvarez I bought in 1974. Still play it and it stays in tune.
  14. It's my favorite show right now. Just greatness.
  15. Man that lesbo was SUCH a bitch. I kept hoping a grizzly would get her.
  16. Cot damn that beautiful. Maybe asked and answered, but what kind of guitar? And I'm assuming the lead is overdubbed or are you so damn good you're playing it all at the same time?
  17. Generally they do have a key in case the electricity goes out, but you'd have to find the key.
  18. So the two they just played were new right? I hadn't seen them. Will we see the new episodes without having the streaming service?
  19. Oh shit there's a blast from the past. Didn't he have a train set so you could also play Godzilla??
  20. She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette
  21. When I pull a rewatch, I always start with season 2. Season one, except for the trip to Meadow's prospective college, just lays there for me. The whole series takes off for me when Ritchie Apriel shows up.
  22. Gorilla Glue skit was the best this season.
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