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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. Definitely not. It was confusing to me.
  2. I have seen it dozens of times and I still don't know how they did the water jug trick.
  3. Cmon dude....they couldn't communicate with the planes!!!!!
  4. Hanzi was gold too until he got banned or whatever happened.
  5. It's Beet for me and always has been. He's just gold.
  6. Rylie looked amazing and it looked like the blonde in the blue dress bought tits with her Naked and Afraid money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I loved him in The Hitcher. RIP in peace.
  8. That was a hallmark day on that show. I'm referring to the faux Pesci appearance.
  9. If it is....I never thought I could hate a coach more than the first one. Then came JB and proved me wrong. Who's next? Actual Hitler?
  10. Yeah. I actually respected his mea culpa.
  11. Hopefully the finale is 2 hours of actual XL.
  12. I though the dude that played Brian May did a better job than Malik. He looked and sounded just like May.
  13. Watched a rerun and I'm always amused at these idiots who are "experts" with a bow drill so they don't bring a firestarter, then it takes them a week to make a fire.
  14. Yeah I'm really hoping the tables turn for Jeff and Laura and they need something from the other groups and they tell them to go fuck themselves.
  15. The fact that the Jeff and whatshername can't quit hollering like juvenile douches every time they catch an eel pisses me off. If you don't want to share don't...but no need to rub their faces in it. Russ was such a dick the last time, I have a hard time feeling good about him this time. Charlie is just being a dumbass. Looks like it comes back to bite him in the ass next week.
  16. Good lord this looks like shit. How can it not be straight to video??
  17. Rip is one hell of an intense character. That's all I got.
  18. Exactly. First thing I thought when I saw her.
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