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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. He's a dickhead and I hope someone beats his ass over it.
  2. I think her best work is in Keeping Up With The Joneses.
  3. Uninstalling the app should not have deleted your PST file. You should be able to find it and load it into your existing outlook. I just had to do that with about 50 machines when we recently went from POP mail to Office 365.
  4. agreed. I enjoyed Don't Look Back as much as the first one. Man I'll Never Be is an awesome song.
  5. Perfect. A list of places I'll actually go.
  6. Put Bill below Sig Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. At this point Sean Jake Keith Josh/Casey Sig Harley.....that dude is douche personified Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. This is me...have to use it to transpose for singing. Never considered using it as a crutch for barre chords.
  9. Does anyone ever respond to his posts besides himself? It looks super disturbing.
  10. The melody to the Farley song sounded to me like a ripoff of a Springsteen song that I can't quite put my finger on. Was I hearing things?
  11. Of course Robin was being her usual stupid self. Ken Jennings won 74 straight regular games totally 2.5 million on Jeopardy, but she insisted that total included all the different tournaments he'd be in too. Fact checking isn't her forte.
  12. Yep...they were a legit rock band with Rolie. Cain took them to more of a bubblegum place. However, Neal Schon is probably the most underrated guitarist working. That dude is a legitimate monster.
  13. Pretty sure Rutter had never lost at Jeopardy. He was on when you only got 5 games and has won every tournament he's been a part of except when they played Watson.
  14. Also from Godfather II when Connie goes to see Michael to book passage for her and her boyfriend on the Queen Mary. Michael says: "Connie.....if you don't do as I say....and marry this man...............................................................you'll disappoint me." The lighting, the way he says it, all perfectly menacing.
  15. This one...Berenger deserved the Oscar. Michael Caine in Hannah and her Fucking Sisters my ass.
  16. Isn’t it actually 4 episodes? I don’t remember previous years having all 2 hour episodes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. For real??? I hadn’t heard!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. You gotta figure on that boat Mandy looks as bad as she’s gonna look and she still looks good. Wood. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. But is he trying to buy a boat to replace the Brenna A or buy a second boat in addition to the Brenna A? We need to know this shit!!
  20. Agreed...watch with the sound off...damn she's got some fine stems.
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