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Posts posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ollie Slatt said:

    What?  I get that not everyone likes Neil's voice.  But he was so much more talented than anyone else in that band that it is not even funny.  Its not a coincidence that he was on by far their best record.  

    His voice is shit and Stills can play circles around him IMO. That solo on Ohio sounds like a 3 year old played it.

  2. Metallica

    Bruce Springsteen. (one of the worst singers ever)

    Neil Young...I like some of his songs, but his voice grates on me. How he hooked up with songbirds Crosby, Stills and Nash is beyond me. It's like their mom made them put their shitty brother in the band.

  3. Just now, Ben Franklin said:

    And Jeff the Vomit Guy. What a creep.

    I get tired of Beet quickly. But I could listen to Hank forever. It's a shame his death was overshadowed by 9/11.

    Can't stand the vomit guy...hearing that is my kryptonite. Hank was hilarious tho.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Equinox said:

    EMG pickups...let's talk about 'em.


    Love 'em? Hate 'em? I generally like them, as much as anything due to their dead-quiet performance. One thing I have known about for years, but never tried until recently, is running them at 18 volts (two batteries in series). It makes a big difference especially on clean tones, which is mainly what I have EMGs for (89s with coil split).

    One thing people complain about with active pickups is their tendency to sound compressed. The 18 volt mod does quite a bit to alleviate that. If you have EMGs, give it a shot.

    I had a Strat Squire and put an EMG in the bridge position. For a cheapo guitar, that thing screamed and had great tone.

  5. On 5/9/2018 at 10:00 PM, futureman said:

    you’re swimming in the east river?  the most heavily-trafficked overly-contaminated waterway on the eastern seaboard?

    Technically, Norfolk has more gross tonnage.

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  6. 2 hours ago, fattyflattie said:

    Same with us, but opposite. I’m Laurel 100%. And she asked me what I heard before saying either (didn’t read or hear about it yet). We were opposite on that dumb dress too. 

    Yeah...then about 11 a.m. the next day, all I could hear was Laurel and it's all I can hear now and I have no idea how I ever heard Yanny.

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