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Everything posted by Nole-4-Life

  1. I’m speaking relatively. Compared to Trish she’s Raquel fuckin Welch! [emoji23][emoji23]
  2. Damn...you know Dani will be next then all the eye candy will be gone. We'll be left with Trish the wildebeast and Ky who I can't quite figure out. She's right on the edge of attractive but I just can't get there.
  3. We definitely don't deserve dogs.
  4. And damn that school of dolphin was incredible.
  5. And who knew Sig had a heart?
  6. I really dislike that Jack dude. He’s just slimy.
  7. What a waste of a human being. Didn't even leave her tools. Hope I never see her on this show again. Lindsey is pretty good looking. Had to google her.
  8. You should watch Butch and Sundance for prime Katherine Ross if for no other reason.
  9. They had to do the fucking intro three times??? Yeah, I was glad to see both of those eliminated. The guy was the worst.
  10. My fav episode is the one where Betty finds Don's box and learns he's actually Dick and confronts him with his side piece waiting in the car. Then she has to do the walk of shame when he just leaves her there. That was powerful television.
  11. He should have toted an ass whipping right there.
  12. I thought their whole strategy was weird. I would have stayed maybe 5 days in a spot before moving on. Hell, I'd have planned to spend my last night at the extraction point, or damn close to it. Maybe it was the water sources. They weren't real clear. But having 20 miles left the last two days was bad planning IMO.
  13. I've only seen the first hour, but it seemed to me they should have left on the first leg of that extraction hike with a few days remaining.
  14. Jimmy appears to be deeeeeeep into the heroin that point.
  15. Yep...Keith is still an asshole. I know he got potted down but still....
  16. Thank you...we were confused, but the fact they were idiots explains a lot.
  17. I was amazed that Sig came around and wished Jake well. Figured he'd make it all about him.
  18. Had a buddy who would says "she's skinned more roots than a bottom plow."
  19. I think they're pretty similar, but the 41 has more fancy trimwork. Maybe some differences in the bracing. I think the wood is the same I could be wrong. I have an HD28 and LOVE it.
  20. Yeah someone's gonna kill Adam in his sleep. He's pretty slimy anyway.
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