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You don't know me

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Posts posted by You don't know me

  1. I heard from Paul today -- he said "We have a legitimate chance to win the World Series," which not only have I never heard him say before, but also is pretty out of character for him, so I'm going to support him by pretending to believe him.  
    Well, that makes me want to believe.
  2. On 3/28/2022 at 10:37 AM, Beau Vine said:

    Meh, seems like the best way to send those guys out is by upgrading at SS and P and putting them in one last pennant race.  

    Or, they could just be satisfied with selling a shitload of tickets and making a lot of money while going .500.  

    You summed up my feelings perfectly.

  3. 16 hours ago, RDCanecutter said:

    Yeah, that guy is a piece of shit. He's basically torturing a civilian.

    Cue the resident Walter Mittys to go "but, but, but," to which I say "true, true, true, and that guy is still a piece of shit."

    I hope that no one on here would approve of us doing that to the parents of one of our killed enemies.  We sure as fuck wouldn't approve of our enemies doing it to us.  No way what that dude did should be acceptable.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 1 hour ago, SimonBolivar said:

    I'd say its the opposite. To the US the war is a patriotic event that promoted our grandparents and Great grandparents to mythological status. Our current feeling towards Germany, Italy, Hungry, Japan, etc have a complete disconnect from the war. We would never put "On to Berlin" on our new equipment for a parade because it was an event for Zeros and Spitfires and not for Apaches and Javelins. We enjoy talking about it but it has no connection to the now like it seems to have in Russia.


    It's cultural too. When you had the Romney vs Obama debate it seemed preposterous to average Americans when Romney was discussing the Russians because we had already "beaten" them just as we had the British, the Mexicans, the Confederates, Germans, and everyone else. This is a trend in our historical perspective that other and older states/cultures may not share. That's the American connection to history. Positivism and moving forward.

    Fair enough.  I probably misread/misunderstood the original post.  We do have a long history of armed conflict and we do romanticize it to strong degree, which is how I understood the original post.

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    This is most likely a piece of equipment that had been decorated for a “Great Patriotic War” parade or display and hadn’t been redone before getting put in the field. The orange and black Z ribbons (St. George ribbon) are also linked to the war. 

    It’s hard to tell people who haven’t lived it how bizarre and fixated the Great Patriotic War mythos is to Russian society. Russia’s state religion isn’t Orthodoxy, it’s a cult of the war.  And I’m using the GPW phrase carefully. In Russian historiography World War II as started in 1939 and involving theaters in Asia, Africa, and Western Europe is distinct from the GPW and there is no reflection on how things they did between 1939-1941 led to the Nazi attack on the USSR. 

    Um...  I hate to admit it, but we ain't much different, are we?

  6. 1. Port-o-Potty in Baghdad.  Summer was BRUTAL.

    2. Wooden outhouse shitter in Pohang, Korea at Marine Expeditionary Camp - Pohang (MECP).  Wooden outhouse with 55 gallon drum underneath to catch the goodies.  Some wannabe engineer Marine decided that a toilet seat screwed to the hole was a good idea (and it probably was).  Unfortunately, some logistician (possibly a Russian given the news of today) didn't think to contract a shit sucker until after we got there.  After just a few days, the shit was piled up above the toilet seat.  Once it got to that point, I was not utilizing the facilities.  I found it curious how someone did it at that point, though.  It was obviously a hovering aerial bombardment, but holy cow that would be brutal.

    3. Guantamano Bay in the early 90's.  The Air Force brought in portable shitters and showers and they were not climate controlled.  They rolled the window flaps up on the tents and the toilets were elevated.  It wasn't that it was a bad place to shit, but you kind of felt like you were on stage taking care of business as people were walking by outside and could see you through the window flaps.

    Korea was in the late 80's.  My understanding is that MECP has been built up quite a bit since then.  I'm fairly certain that they have indoor plumbing now, but back then it wasn't too posh.

    I have taken a shit in which most people would consider undesirable places, but the relief far outweighed the bad atmosphere.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Doc Reeves said:

    I’ve eaten the shit out of those (expired mres) 

    fun note to non-military, they harden up your poos so you don’t need as to wipe your butt as much. If you you snack on them the will constipate the shit… uh, into you. 

    First MRE in the field I was sure to eat the peanut butter.  I think it was made with parepectolin, or instant cork.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Drool 1
  8. 1 minute ago, troph said:

    there does come a point where he should or at least the Ukrainian government should make it clear who the successor is in case of his death.  continuity plans, including in exile, are really critical at this point.

    Agreed 100%.  I'm sure that there are continuity plans in place, but ideally he would leave when that time comes.  Unfortunately, I don't think that he will.

  9. Yeah, I have it.  It started around 12 years ago.  At first it sucked and seemed really loud.  Now, it's just part of my life.  The sound doesn't bother me as much now as when it first started.  Mine is largely due to just being in and around the military and the loud noises associated with that lifestyle.  10 years active duty in the Marines and another 5 years or so in Iraq/Afghanistan are the obvious culprits.  When I got out of the military and had my final physical, they noted that my hearing was somewhat degraded from when I first went in.  Now, I have a very hard time hearing what people are saying, especially when there is other noise around.  The best part of all this is I can pretty much ignore anything that anyone (wife, kids) says from any other room in the house.  I can usually hear that they are talking, but I got tired of yelling "What!?", so I just ignore them now.  Gotta take the little wins when they present themself.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 3 hours ago, ABSR said:

    11226097    MANNIN    JAMES    2201047    01/19/2022    2102-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND  


    I love her on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

    Pretty good in Dodgeball, too.

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