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You don't know me

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Everything posted by You don't know me

  1. Or "who was your favorite teacher?" I remember different things on a day to day basis. I may remember the name today, but in a week I'll draw a complete blank. Yes, I'm old.
  2. I really don't want to watch SOA again.
  3. At first I was afraid it was going to be a near identical story line to SOA, but that thought didn't last long.
  4. Well, Maryland was certainly running a train on him.
  5. So, we are already on the "wait until next year" talk? Fuck this sucks.
  6. I'd rather wash my eyes out with bleach than watch that shit show again. Thanks anyway.
  7. I have a spot for everything. Not because I'm a neat freak, but because if I put stuff 'wherever', I'll forget where I left it. Everyone in my house is the exact opposite. Chargers and cables are no exception. I think that I am the only person in the house that hasn't lost one. The heathens have tried to lose mine, but I always find them in someone's room. After many 'everyone stop what you are doing and find my charger/cable/ or the remote control' parties, they have finally stopped using my shit. It did take years, and I'm sure it's not completely over, but being an asshole about it does seem to work after a while.
  8. Mensa got outcoached my Matt Canada. Mensa got outcoached by an interim head coach of fucking Maryland. Mensa lost 2 years in a row to fucking Maryland. Fucking Maryland...
  9. I did, but I can't find it. Will you send it again?
  10. Maybe he's figuring that the one with the bum ankle is the easiest to catch.
  11. Of course. Forwarded the last one that I forwarded. In my mind: That'll show him!
  12. Just a big mess when you get home, right?
  13. Remember holding down the reset switch when you turn it on to get double-shot on Space Invaders?
  14. Getting an email from someone at work asking me for something that I have sent to their entire group on multiple occasions. Dumbass' email: Hey, can you send me that really cool document that describes in great detail that awesome process for saving a shitload of time? How I read it: Hey lemming, can you dig through your sent items to find that email that you have sent me a few times already because I think that my time is more important than yours?
  15. " Sheriff Ed McMahon proudly boasted "one of the largest seizures in the state" after the NHCSO's Gang Task Force seized an estimated $2 million worth of 'the deadly opioid fentanyl' during a raid. " Hiyoooooooooo!
  16. I'll drop this here: http://www.stlmugshots.com/game.php
  17. I hear that Larry Cullpepper will be on the sideline for their first 3 games.
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