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You don't know me

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Everything posted by You don't know me

  1. These types of pictures depress me. The poor kid has no chance.
  2. Help me out here. Which one is Hamm and which one is Fisher?
  3. So, today's the day? I guess we'll know if what should happen is going to happen if ol' Urbs comes down with a 'heart condition' in the next couple of hours.
  4. Guy is a huge piece of shit with some serious issues. Things will not end well for him.
  5. Holy shit, it's fun again. I don't think that I have come home and turned on the Cardinal game to actually watch in quite a while. Prior to Shildt, I would turn it on in passing to check the score. Now, I turn it on for the pregame and actually watch it. It's been a while since I didn't have a pit in my stomach knowing that they were either going to fold after getting down my a couple of runs or get up by a couple to only piss it away. Strike outs are down, way down. Walks are up. Bullpen isn't getting misused. Baseball is fun in STL again.
  6. Adding to this: I'd be willing to bet my substantially small fortune that they don't 'forget' their cell phones in their car when they leave a child to bake.
  7. I'm going out on a limb here and saying that Auntie (or her kids) probably had some sort of diabedus from all those Happy Meals.
  8. They have bought into the latest MLM scheme of buying/selling "patriotic" shirts on Facebook and not delivering. The answer was the next post after yours.
  9. This is so fucking horrible. This reminds me late 1990 when I was in the Marines. We were in 29 Palms for training and going through a live fire infiltration course. One of the Marines going through it with my group started to flop around. The instructor on the course with us actually kicked the dude a few times, including his head (with kevlar on) while he was flopping. We talked to some folks and the instructor was nowhere to be seen for the rest of our rotation. I have no idea what happened to the instructor, but the guy with what I guess was heat stroke ended up being okay, but holy shit. People are so stupid. "You can't be tough if a little heat gets to you". I sometimes really hate people.
  10. Killing animals for doing animal things generally seems kind of stupid to me. In particular, killing a mountain lion for killing someone that wanders into BFE. For the animals that wander into populated areas and subsequently maul someone, then relocation seems like the preferred option. All that being said, there are times when I'm okay with an animal just being put down because it becomes a nuisance. I guess I'm all over the map on this.
  11. My wife will text me on my way home. Auto-response is "I'm driving right now - I'll get back to you later." I will then get what I assume is her auto-response of "I hate that message."
  12. We all know that wives can't back up a vehicle in a straight line. He could have been parked in the neighbor's driveway and she would have hit his vehicle at some point.
  13. Youngest started Kindergarten today. 11 year old brother tells him that if he poops at school, he better be able to wipe his own butt. They then get into a long discussion about how the 5 year old doesn't poop at school anyway. Conversation continues and the 15 yo brother chimes in and says "Hey, if you do poop, just have another kid wipe your butt." All the males laugh, but mom was a bit upset at big brother putting that idea into his head. I am waiting for the phone call from the school today.
  14. I have also heard that if you trim the bushes around your deck it will appear bigger.
  15. My advice to you is to become a workaholic.
  16. Needs ball bearings. It's all ball bearings nowadays.
  17. He has no interest in aggy, which explains why they didn't make his top 5. Hamm must get paid by the word.
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