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You don't know me

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Posts posted by You don't know me

  1. On 4/14/2023 at 10:08 PM, Brothahorn said:

    I love how the wife waited until the 4th guy jumped in to announce that she was calling the cops. I bet he told her to call them before he went out there. 

    What was she supposed to do, just quit in the middle of a level in Candy Crush?

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    Yeah I agree. There's just tons of nuance here. I definitely thing there's a difference between an employee at a chain store like this goober and a small business mom and pop shop owner. The single small business has a much lower threshold for loss before it bankrupts their business and takes away their livelihood. That's a big problem. 

    And then there's merit to the notion if you're dumb enough to rob a gun store then what can you expect? Darwin award nominee for sure in this case. I personally don't believe what this guy did should be legal in this case though. 

    I just wish the people in charge of legislating this actually cared about doing it the best way possible and not just pandering for votes.

    Good points, all of them.  I'm not going to watch the video either, as I have no desire to see a human being killed.  I wonder if this was a crime of opportunity.  Did he go into the store with the intention of robbing it, or was the register open and he saw an opportunity.  Stupid, no doubt, but not the same level of stupid as going into a gun store intent on robbing it.  

    Your points prior are good to bring up.  What is the small family owned business supposed to do?  Insurance only covers so much.  Are police able to do anything about it?  Where I live has a population of about 10K.  At least a couple of times a week our police department is posting "help us locate this individual" still photos from Walmart and QT security video of people in the act of walking out the doors with unpaid merchandise.  That appears to be the extent of what they do.  I have no idea what it's like for the small business owner, but it can't be good.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    So the line is you can use force to protect your property as long as they haven't left your premises and they must be at least partially facing you? 

    When looked at in isolation of just one instance then yes this seems completely insane. But where we draw the line has to take in consideration the entire scope of the problem. So if this guy walks into your store and steals $100 worth of merchandise or cash five days a week you should just let him run away every time? What if he's young, big, and strong and the shop owner is old and small with zero chance to physically overpower him? What should their recourse be?

    Situation dictates, to be honest.  If the person was facing me and had a weapon, they are walking away with whatever they have.  My life is simply not worth a bit of cash.  If they didn't have a weapon, I'm still not sure what I'd do.  I'm not Billy Badass.  I was a Marine, but I'm self-aware enough to know that I don't know. 

    If I'm not the store owner, I'm not trying to stop anyone from stealing anything.  I'm trying to do as told and live another day.  If it's my house and my family is there, I'm sure that my actions would be far different.  Hopefully I never have to find out what I'd do in a situation like that.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  4. 2 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    It’s flat out murder either way you sociopath

    Yeah, first situation, if I happen to even know that they are there at 2AM, I'm turning on an inside light and waiting/watching to see what they do.  I can also tell you that if someone broke into my outbuilding and was in the process of taking anything from it, they can have it.  I'm endangering my family over "stuff".  If they try to break into the house, that's a different story.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hermanator said:

    This is a tough situation with no good answers. The thing is at what point do you allow a property owner to use force to protect their property? Where is the line? 

    The national retail federation is claiming there's a theft epidemic happening in the US and that theft is increasing at a high rate compared to previous years. The problem is law enforcement doesn't keep accurate statistics on this so there's no good data to go off that would qualify for scientific analysis. All we have is the word of retailers and spotty reports that aren't carefully taken or kept because law enforcement gives small theft cases almost zero priority past taking a report. 

    First we need to know the scope of the problem related to previous generations before we can accurately try to find solutions. But because 21st century Idiocracy America exists that won't be done. 

    I'm just a layman, but once the person has left the store and is no longer a threat, I for one don't think that they should be shot in the back.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Because you are a sane human being and not a fucking psychopath.

    We have a shitload of psychopaths.  And we create more of them, and CELEBRATE them.  That's completely fucked up.  I mean, it's a bit weird -- again, I think that guns are an inextricable PART of the problem, but the nutbar 2nd amendment reaction to any shooting of "BUT IT'S MENTAL HEALTH!" is not wrong.  But they won't like the actual way that it's "not wrong."  We've turned a huge swath of our population into a cult that worships instruments of death, and builds their identity around their possession (and inevitably, their use).  That's a sick, sick fucking society.

    Gotta be honest, I'm pro second amendment.  That being said, you are absolutely correct.  Our society is beyond fucked up.  We are well down this dark path and I don't think that we can course correct.  People are just so angry about everything.  I'm legitimately scared for my kids because of the world that we have created.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 1 minute ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Our driveway apparently shows up on Google maps & other GPS sites as a Designated Turnaround site. It's a rare week when we don't have at least 2 or 3 cars use it to turnaround, probably because it's a little longer than most, our cars are always in the garage, and it's right in the mid-way point of the block where a Door Dash or uber eats driver might have overshot their destination. It's also the driveway where parents tell their young kids learning to ride their bikes that they can go that far, but then half to turn back come home. It never occurred to me that I was entitled to start blasting away at these cars and tykes on bikes who are obviously threatening our safety.

    Are you living in my attic?

  8. I don't understand the world in which we live now.  First, I am a gun owner.  I don't carry, it stays in my house and is accessible (but not too accessible).  I live in a somewhat rural part of Missouri.  My house is on a hill and I have a pull through semi-circle drive in front.  I have people pull into my drive on a somewhat regular basis to turn around because they made a wrong turn.  If I'm outside when they pull into the driveway, I simply wave.  I have never once thought of going to retrieve my pistol.

    • Hook 'Em 8
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  9. Oli really fucked up on the TON situation.  Unless there have been multiple instances where TON has been talked to about effort, there is no way that should have been put out there for the media.  Personally, I have not witnessed or heard anything about TON being lazy in the field or on the base paths.  Pretty sure that TON gets traded at some point and he'll regain his form from a couple of years ago.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Some of you guys really slept through chemistry in high school, huh?  Descaler, as previously pointed out, is an acidic solution designed to remove deposits left behind by your water, which for you guys living in the Edwards Aquifer means a metric fuck ton of calcium carbonate (I.e. limestone) 

    Coffee descaler is vinegar based.  Dishwasher cleaner is citric acid based. Both are acids designed to desolve and wash away gunk in the tubes of your respective appliances. The poor man’s version of dishwasher cleaner is an upright cup of vinegar run on the sani-cycle.

    Tl:Dr- it’s fine. 

    As to the type of dish soap: it’s all about the sudsing effect, which is added to Dawn so people feel like their hand washing is getting shit clean.  Shit gets bubbly when over aerated in a dishwasher splashing around. You can get rid of the suds by dumping a 1/4 cup of neutral cooking oil in the dishwasher to reduce the soapiness and then run the dishwasher empty.

    For all the chest thumping about Cockrell, I’m a humanities major from Bates fucking College. 

    Bates fucking College sounds fun.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  11. So the day is finally here.  I love opening day, especially when the Cardinals are opening at home.  Maybe one day I'll be able to attend, but I'll be watching on TV today.  Have any of you been to opening day in STL?

    Also, are we going to roll with this thread this season?

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