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You don't know me

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Everything posted by You don't know me

  1. Has to be from those toenails. Holy shit...
  2. Yeah, Cards were below .500 against the Reds last year. Missed the playoffs by one game if I recall correctly. A winning record against the Reds may have changed that.
  3. Holy hell. I hate the question, followed by my answer, followed by her assertion that I'm a complete idiot and wrong.
  4. I thought that it was a requirement for people to park shitty at Home Depot.
  5. Maybe Bernie was better in print. He's no longer with the Post Dispatch. He's on the morning show on 101.1. His constant theme is to get Matheny fired. Don't get me wrong, I think that Matheny is one of the worst managers in the game, but it gets really old listening to Bernie rail on it. Oh, he is on The Athletic now, so if you want to pay to read his tired stuff you can.
  6. Weekend hen gathering is complete, right? Have you called your insurance company yet? We need an update.
  7. Nice couple of weekend series against the absolute worst in MLB. Gotta win those, so they did what they needed to do. Mets this week and then the Pirates over the weekend makes for an interesting test. Hope they can keep it together. As an aside: Does anyone else here live in the STL area? If so, do you listen to Bernie Miklasz? Well, I guess you really don't have to live in the STL area, but I can't imagine anyone listening to Bernie unless you kind of have to.
  8. That's probably why she's exchanging nudes with lateshow.
  9. That excuse doesn't work. You should already know that.
  10. My wife is texting every fucking one of you? Fuck.
  11. She texts me. While I am at work. About trivial shit.
  12. After the game and before they interviewed him, you could see him talking to someone in the background and he had an odd look on his face. I wasn't sure what that was all about, but what you posted here kind of makes sense. When they interviewed him I thought it was pretty shitty, but maybe they did talk to him prior.
  13. Me, the wife and youngest son sat in the row directly in front of Aeneas Williams and his wife on a flight from Houston to STL. He had been inducted into the SWAC Hall of Fame and was on his way to STL (I think he still lives here). They were both very nice. Our son was a probably 18 months old or so at the time. AW was having quite the conversation with the kid.
  14. That's a weird XXX street. Possum porn?
  15. Was thinking about the pitching staff today on my drive in. Hopefully next year we see this rotation (in no particular order): Martinez, Weaver, Reyes, Flaherty, insert another stud arm at AAA right now. They have some great arms at Memphis, but wow do they need more bats in the bigs.
  16. I'm a man. The world is my urinal.
  17. A person with the time/money could make some decent extra cash by buying Jeeps down in Texas and then selling them up here in Missouri. Used Jeeps, with rust, sell for a mint up here.
  18. I had to stop watching the one with the bike rider on the ledge. I will probably have nightmares about that.
  19. Yep, that's Imo's. I live outside of STL and had Imo's before. For some reason, a lot of people like it. It's thin crust, but they put this shit/cheese on it called Provel. I've never seen one that looks quite like that, but provel is still gross. Is a mix of provolone, cheddar and swiss. Really super gooey. It forms kind of a film in your mouth. Nasty, vile stuff.
  20. Good grief. I am so glad that I don't live in a neighborhood anymore. I can't even begin to estimate how many times I have pissed in my FRONT yard. We actually started our boys on potty training by letting them piss outside. It made it fun for them.
  21. My dad died on December 21, 2014. I wish he was still around so that I could listen to him bitch about things.
  22. Matheny, Mabry and Mozeilak all need to go. I'd prefer Oquendo as the manager though.
  23. Father in-law was pretty much bedridden for last couple years of his life. Was on quite a few meds just to keep him breathing. Last couple of months were particularly rough. Anyway, our youngest son was probably 6 months old when the FIL passed. During those last couple of months, you could see that it was a struggle to just keep breathing. The only times that he was calm and seemed very content was when our youngest was sitting on his bed with him. FIL really didn't communicate much, but when my son was sitting next to him on his bed, my FIL would just put his hand on the boys back and all was right in his world. Yeah, he was my FIL, but he was a wonderful human being and loved his grandsons dearly.
  24. Yeah, that was pathetic last night. Walks 2, intentional walk to another to load the bases AND leaves Holland in. What could possibly go wrong. Matheny is a moron.
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