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Everything posted by chesthair

  1. ive switched to pour over. carafe, tons of filters and electric kettle set me back maybe $50-$60 all in. addison coffee roasters is down the street from my office so thats my go to for beans. i have them grind them for me because a bag doesnt make it a week in my house. french roast is my go to and ill get some fru fru stuff during the holidays.
  2. Skiing in Angel Fire and met a girl who said she was 32, I was 22 at the time. By the end of the weekend she admitted to being 44. Came back home to Dallas and she invited me over to her house. Ended up being a divorcee and introduced me to her son who was in school at North Texas...he and I did NOT become friends.
  3. yep. i guess chewy is just a dick. when we booked, we checked with the owner and vrbo and there were no 1 family restrictions at the time. we followed every rule to a T. negotiated 75% refund with vrbo and everyone else let us cancel. was really hoping to find another house up there but even the vrbo mgr told us there is nothing. headed to red river tomorrow, found a couple places to let us split up the kids/families so all is not lost.
  4. Well...24 hours before we were leaving for Breck, get a call that summit county shut us down. The wonderful people at vrbo offered 20% back, epic pass told me to F myself...So, I am out around $3-4,000. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
  5. So, directv wont let me watch the game. Oh well.
  6. fucking unicorns...any of you assholes come across an extra, holla at ya boy
  7. So, this epic pass is new to me. Is it required? I see reservations are mandatory this year and this "helps" with that. Wasnt planning on another $1k + lift tickets...
  8. Ill have 4 HS boys with us so a day snowmobiling and some tubing runs. Didnt think about the helmet thing, I'm sure i had 5-10 concussions in my ute skiing, guess Ill wear one this year. I really hope they dont shut down, granted I'm planning on 1 billion people being there the week after C'mas but I would think after the shut down in the spring and another one this winter would crush the resorts, businesses, small towns that count on skiers for survival.
  9. Yeah, it had something to do with giraffes.
  10. Thanks for that. I go to PC every summer and have skied it a few times...it is almost perfect. We ended up getting a vrbo in Silverthorne so we can hit all the places in Summit for skiing and the wives will be happy. Someone mentioned poshmark to me for buying ski clothes for everyone...is that the best place to outfit the fam? Also, my next big issue is that I am old now and have had surgery on both knees since the last time i skied (18 years ago). Like you, I'll stay off the blacks and Ill probably just get a couple knee braces. Anyway, thanks for the input, PC will be on the list next year.
  11. chesthair

    Hate Week

    so, ive been thinking about this. i came to a conclusion....fuck ou.
  12. we gonna beat ou like mixon beating a blonde in a sammich shop
  13. Only went back a couple pages but there is NO way "Go to your skippy place" hasnt been mentioned?!!?!?! If you follow that up with "things are gett'n clearer, clearer", I might just eat a bullet.
  14. Extremely fiscally conservative Extremely libertarian socially Vote R or L every chance I get Craft beer is my reason for existence Not a racist bone in my body Very open minded and respectful of anyone's opinions Hate the strife in American today About to retire and go off-grid so I dont have to deal with this shit anymore Wondering "WTF am I doing on the politics board?"
  15. If we are talking "event"...I would say the time i hiked high in the sierra's fly fishing...stuck a 6'er of yellow bellies in the creek and came back 2 hours later...sweaty as a motherfucker but worn out from catching wild trout...sat down on a rock and drank them bitches that were ice cold. probably the last memory that will go through my mind on my death bed.
  16. Sucks. Always loved Ralphie and my mind will never change that he and razor were the best broadcast duo in sports history. csb-played golf with ralph (random pairing) in Hawaii a few years ago. He was the nicest/normal/good'ol boy I have ever met. Sending positive vibes he recovers fully. Oh and lets fucking go wednesday!
  17. Next to impossible to find...i think they only import it every few years. Their triple is the best of that variety i have ever had as well.
  18. It was difficult, but not impossible, to finish to that story.
  19. Oldest finished up his application for UT last night. I'm 50/50 on him attending UT. Good student, great kid but I could see UT swallowing him up (like it did me...I was done after 1 semester, couldnt handle the freedom). I have taken him to a bunch of games and he is infatuated with UT but we havent done a "real" campus visit. He also applied to ou...that was crushing for me. BTW, dont we have a "applying for college is a fucking beating, please help" thread? I would rather go through 10 mortgage applications vs one college app...beat down! He used CommonAp for some schools but UT didnt accept it so had to do another one from scratch.
  20. Scrolling through vrbo now planning our ski vacation, week between xmas-NY. Taking a family of 4 with us (we are 4 too) and FML, we are driving this year. Driving from Dallas and would normally would do Wolf Creek or even Taos but the wimmins are demanding a "cool" town to hang out in since they will not ski. I'm guessing Breck is the closest "cool" town if we are driving? Any other suggestions?
  21. BGSky is a yankee, ignore him. We are starting week 5. Our ISD has 11,921 students, 2,344 employees...we have 5 cases with students, 1 with faculty. No screens/shields in classes, they rotate classrooms like normal, they eat lunch in the cafeteria, sports are pretty much full bore. Protocols are masks at all times, hallways/stairs are 1 way and thats about it. My kids say they average 2-3 remote kids per class so I would WAG around 10-15% of the school is doing remote. They have the option of changing remote/in person any time. So far, this has been a non-event. I do know one kid who got ISS for not wearing a mask so they certainly have a 0 tolerance about that.
  22. They lost me when they removed the meximelt. fuckers.
  23. All of Dad's learn new stuff every day. Here is mine from yesterday: 17 year old has been driving to school this year. Yesterday at 4:30 (his normal arrival time at home) I was standing on the patio enjoying the rain...all of the sudden fire trucks came screaming down the road leading to the high school. I've now learned the sound of fire trucks/ambulances when your kid is driving is terrifying. No, it wasnt him.
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