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About ImissWallyPryor

  • Birthday 12/31/1927


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    His Excellency

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  1. Before I clicked this thread, I saw an ad that Arby’s now makes hamburgers. I stopped by an Arby’s that was only a few blocks from Sonic and ordered one…it was a fucking mess to eat given the gallon of secret sauce they poured on it. If only I had seen that Sonic had smash burgers, I could have saved my shirt from getting trashed.
  2. Not a new video, but still makes me laugh…
  3. I thought so, but the reviews are suspect.
  4. My daughter’s club soccer team played (and WON!) a tournament at the Great Park Soccer Complex in Irvine in the mid 2010s. I drove the team “church van.” Her coach is from Dana Point, so he put the team up at the Art Hotel Laguna Beach. He thought they’d enjoy the hippie atmosphere. All of our meals were eaten elsewhere, but we did walk a few blocks down the PCH to Husky Boy Burgers one night (a solid 3 stars on Yelp). That's all I got. Sorry.
  5. My sisters and I always had fond memories of my mother’s cooking, especially her potato salad, casseroles, and deserts. However, we discovered a darker side of her after she died when we found some contributions she made to her church’s cookbooks. Truly horrific recipes like a jello salad made with canned salmon and canned asparagus. Just awful sounding concoctions that we kept just for laughs.
  6. I had many a can of Chef Boyardee heated on the exhaust manifold of oil rig diesel generators. Yours sound better.
  7. My Tactacams pick up a better signal on our land than it does at our cabin about 20 miles away. That is true for both AT&T and Verizon at the “land.” (I’ve also had both carriers for my iPhone). However, I can’t get a reliable connection for iPhone or Tactacam using either carrier at our smaller cabin acreage. I can sometimes get enough signal to text, but not call or get pics from my Tactacam. Both properties are no bar to sometimes one bar on my iPhone, but for some reason I get 2-3 bars on my Tactacams at the larger acreage. It’s frustrating, but I’d say that the Tactacams are better at connecting to the cell towers than my iPhone. YMMV.
  8. Good clip, but that guy at the end really, really sucks at maths.
  9. My wife had the LINX Procedure done for her Barrett’s esophagus about 5-6 years ago. It has mostly resolved her condition, and having to slow down her eating and take smaller bites helped her lose weight.
  10. I’d bet almost anything that a disproportionate percentage of the better foster families are Christian. In our community, we’ve probably known a dozen good foster families over almost 25 years, and I have a hard time thinking of one that isn’t a Christian household. The vast majority of them have Native American foster kids, and several have tried adopting them. I can only recall two that were successful because the Lakota tribes don’t want to release their members’ children to white people. One of the successful adoptions involved two boys who were half Mexican, so that may have something to do with the adoption being approved.
  11. There has to be something I’m missing. A person went missing looking for your son and this is what might upset her?
  12. You seem like the type of man who has jackhammer feet.
  13. It’s not called as often as face raping, but yeah.
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