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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. I came across a Facebook pic of a former Texas Volleyball player posing with her husband and their limit of South Dakota pheasants.

    I’d like to post the pic, but if they’d suspect it was my son if they found out.

    Sorry for not coming through. 

  2. On 1/2/2019 at 2:58 AM, Fletch said:

    Some Georgia cocksucker was standing in line at beer stand and was going on about how the players and coaches and all that shit didn’t really want to be there and whatnot. I asked a handful of smartass questions and he walked away all pissed off. It must suck being them. They’re what we would be if DKR and Vince never existed 

    You don’t understand. Georgia won MNCs in 1942 and 1980, so 2018 was their year. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Do you lop his pecker off too?

    Partial peckerectomies (not the official term) are done so a bull can help identify which heifers are ready to be bred or inseminated. The unlucky bull will mount, but is unable to finish the job. It is often found in the pasture strumming it’s lips. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    “Get em bevo! “ Lol

    I have a serious concern that they might try to replace this bevo. This motherfucker ornery  


    My new best bud behind me at the game was a Silver Spur. He said Bevo XIV was “a dick,” but XV is a good steer. He was on the selection committee. I told him they chose well. 

    He was slurring his words, but that’s what it sounded like to me. 

  5. 20 minutes ago, Smax said:

    Yes there was a sec chant, didn't last too long but it definitely was there.. I sat on the Georgia side and the stunned look in their fans face as the game progressed almost worth the price of admission

    There were multiple SEC SEC SEC chants. It’s nice that at least one was loud enough to be heard throughout the Super Dome. I had one person text me that it was audible on tv. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, thrillhammer said:

    What a great win.  

    Loved the "over-rated" chant.  Were the longhorn fans also chanting "sec" right before that in some kind of sarcasm?  Seems like I heard it but couldn't figure out if it was Georgia or Texas fans chanting it.

    We had a lot of seniors on this team.  Hopefully all the juniors come back (yes, I'm talking to you Collin and LJ).  Will be interesting to see how the team looks next year.  With Nelson gone, our DL looks really small.  Would be nice to pick up a Stoney Clark/Chris Akins type of motherfucker.

    4 1000 yd rushers in 2 years is amazingly impressive.  Nice run for Georgia.  They definitely didn't expect the dogfight we gave them.  They walked in entitled like Texas has done for decades and got bit by a pesky underdog.  Welcome to the club assholes.  Whoever is hungriest takes it, and we were hungrier last night.



    “Pesky” is a word you use for losers. Stop it. 

  7. I want to be the first to express appreciation for Texas bringing Bob Cole to this game. Without his instruction and enthusiastic encouragement during pregame, I wouldn’t have known when to put my Horns up. Thanks, Bob. 

  8. 1 hour ago, RPM said:

    3 quart jug? That's an odd size.

    Otherwise known as 96 ounces.  Silk brand sells them.  I think it's because almond milk has almost no protein, making fake milk drinkers too weak to handle a full gallon.

  9. We’ve been recycling since the late 80s, but two of my daughters have suddenly become experts on the ecology of recycling.

    For instance, on our last trip to the grocery store, we forgot to bring our reusable bags. My vegan daughter expressed her disappointment, so I took an empty 3 quart jug of her almond milk and weighed it on our kitchen scale. It was 117 grams. Then I weighed all 15 of the plastic grocery bags, and it came to 84 grams. Knowing that much of the plastic never gets recycled, her disappointment turned to temporary disillusionment. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    The explanation I heard about glass and it applies to many entities who have the single stream thing going is that if some of it breaks while in transport to the sort facility, it can contaminate the paper stuff with pieces of glass and render it useless which mean it will be sent to the landfill.   We have the singe stream system going here and the city has specific "glass recycling days" where they haul trash haulers to Wal Mart or HEB parking lots.

    Really I'd like to see more of our state and local governments begin to aggressively find uses for used glass and plastic such as materials for road base like they are doing in India for example. 







    If by “single stream” you mean not sorted, that isn’t our situation. The city is just doing it to irritate me. 

  11. I recently had my third.  My mother and her mother both died of colon cancer, so I was on the 5 year plan.  The doc found 2 polyps and wants to have a repeat performance in 2 years...or maybe it was 3 polyps and 3 years.  I'd ask my wife, but she's sound asleep now.

    I was worried going in that my prep wasn't working well enough, and I'd have to do it all over again, but the doc was able to see.  Yippee!  The old method of prepping left no doubt.  It was deserving of the "makes you say holy shit" thread, sans pics.

  12. 24 minutes ago, honolulu horn said:

    I will avoid cloak rooming this thread, but you are exactly right. Treatment of people with mental illness in our country is uniformly and historically abysmal. State hospitals are operating at 8% of their previous capacities. Jails are by far our largest mental health facilities, without exaggeration or hyperbole. 1/6 of all people behind bars in the USA are seriously mentally ill. People with serious mental illness have an average life expectancy of 62 and are 10 times more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators of violence, yet they spend 7 times longer behind bars than people without mental illness when charged with the same crime.

    That was indeed a holy shit video but Netzer is right; it's past time for us to deal with mental illness as an illness, not as a crime. Rant over; back to the holy shit videos.

    I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments, but I'm calling b.s. on the "7 times longer" stat.

  13. 2 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    Ya, so Charlie Strong's first signing class. The guy comes in brand new to an organization and immediately offers $350K to Fournette with no prior relationships at the school of people who could go do this for him, and an AD that everyone hated already? 


    Maybe it was Mack Brown. Did you ever think of that? Huh?

    Seriously, if Texas was bidding for recruits like everyone else, does anyone think we’d be losing out on recruits? I’m not naive, but it’s all a matter of degrees of cheating, not whether Texas is pristine in it’s behavior. The flip side is someone rationalizing outrageous behavior by saying everyone cheats. 

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  14. My town only takes #1 and #2 plastic, corrugated cardboard, tin, aluminum, metal, newspaper, and “office” paper. They don’t accept glass..wtf? It’s comforting to know it all probably ends up in the landfill. 

    Regarding that CBS News video, we are always told that plastic shopping bags last for centuries before they break down. Anyone who has left something outside in one of those bags for a few months and tries to pick up that bag realizes it is already disintegrating. I know a lot of plastics last a hell of a long time, just not shopping bags. 

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