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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. I have more problem with the Rose Bowl giving a paltry number of tickets to the schools, forcing the fans of those schools to buy tickets from locals who are guaranteed tickets. For big matchups, that enriches the locals to the tune of tens of millions of dollars for doing nothing more than being locals.

  2. My daughter (f the rules) wiped out a UGa family of three while tubing with her boyfriend’s family at Steamboat this weekend.  Her tube had spun, so she didn’t even see them, but she was told that they just stood there like deer in the headlights. I asked her if she talked shit about seeing them again in NOLA, but she was more concerned about their crying kid. 

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Who wants to joinn that idiot on a sinking ship?

    and red was never racist.  Ask John Lucas.  .  Dennis Green.  And Randy Moss.  Red just knows a shitty coach when he sees one. 

    I’ve run out of rep for today, but I’ve said this exact thing for years. Add Henry Cisneros and Angelo Drossos to the list of non-whiteys Red has helped or partnered with  


  4. On 12/20/2018 at 1:21 AM, VaHorn said:

    We were fucked when we didn’t sign Adrian Peterson and Rhett Bomar.  Players of that caliber had been signing with Texas in years past.  5 straight loses to OU were having an effect. What had been a few chinks in Mack’s recruiting armor were quickly becoming gaping holes. Fortunately, Vince stemmed the tide by leading a team with a lot of depth (that was seemingly unlikely to be repeated) to a national championship.

    The VY class was before AD and Bomar. If not for that 2001 class, it’s highly likely that Stoops continues to beat Mack, resulting in Mack getting fired with zero conference titles in his career...and ESPN would still be lauding USC as the best team evarrrrr. 

  5. 3 hours ago, CHEF RIBS W/ THE HAMM YALL said:

    In the replies, Baylor is talking about "values" and one guy says "You’re assuming they have a conscious. I’m not so sure."


    Classic from Baylor. Ignoring that he or she forgot to add whatever was conscious thing that was being discussed.

    It certainly wasn’t a conscious date that Baylor fan was talking about. 

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, OU Still Sucks said:

    January 5th is my birthday so we're definitely getting Bru. 

    January 5th is one day from the 12th anniversary of our win over USC. Five is also Bru McCoy’s number.  Sam Ehlinger’s number is 11, which is, coincidentally, one away from 12. Matt Leinart’s number at USC was also 11, and Reggie Bush’s was also 5, but they couldn’t beat Texas.

    We got this.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I know.  Exaggeration for effect. 

    Btw, I was speaking of the Dallas Morning News lists.  They'd have a Top 100 for area, state, and national.  You'd generally have to get out of the Top 40 or so in the state before you'd see a few Longhorns.

    Those DMN lists required mucho rationalizing for us Longhorn fans. I was always trying to convince myself that having 10 players in the second Texas 50 was just as good as having 15 in the first Texas 50. 

    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I remember a time when I was in school and Texas got ONE Top 250 national recruit.  (I think it was Lovell Pickney.)  And we used to milk Deer Park High School for all it was worth.  (Not much )

    I'd love for us to do better, but I also recall the not-so-good days.

    I wish I hadn’t thrown out my old recruiting lists because I’d give you plenty of names that were Top 250 from every year around Pinkney’s time. We weren’t recruiting very well in the Top 100, but we always got a handful of Top 250 guys.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Harvdog said:

    It cracks me up that these kids who haven’t played a down of college football act like they are the 2nd coming of Barry Sanders. Business??  Riddle me this Noah....are you planning to live in Pittsburgh or Philly after you finish college?  The odds of you playing in the NFL are slim. So when that doesn’t work out, what “business” are you planning to do?  Work in coal or steel?  My guess is you will want to move back to the south when you are done with football and the PSU alumni base isn’t as large as the Texas base. But hey, I hear Altoona is nice this time of year, so enjoy your 4 years in Happy Valley and hopefully you are “distracted” by finishing 2nd and 3rd in the Big 10. 

    The Pedophile State University has a very large alumni base, it’s just that they like coaches who rape young boys and administrators who support those activities. 

    • Like 2
  10. 18 hours ago, wutang75 said:

    Cain says he woke up thinking Texas.

    “To be honest, I was a Texas lean this morning. I was telling my parents, Texas, Texas, Texas,” Cain said. “But I prayed, and it was a hard night just going back on Penn State or Texas. Those were the two final schools that were here with me until this day. They stayed with me consistently. Honestly it came down to where would I be the most focused at and not around distractions. Everybody knows Austin is a big city but I have to be focused through and out. I’m a business dude, I gotta handle my business. And just be different. It might not be the most popular decision, but it is the best decision for myself.”

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    If God told him to go to The Pedophile State University over The University Of By God Himself Texas, maybe all those things aggy has been saying about us all these years are true. 

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