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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 5 hours ago, RockyMountainHighHorn said:

    All of this brisket talk but nothing about Kansas City burnt ends? Oh shit this is my Texas site. Oops

    Kansas City BBQ will do...in a pinch. I’ve been to 3-4 KC joints that get good ratings locally, and that’s about all I can say about the experience. Honestly, I’ve had better in Oklahoma. 

  2. 1 hour ago, BabaYaga said:

    Quite possibly.  Or he got hung up in a fence.  They're always getting tangled up in crap.  

    Nope.  Both back hooves were pretty much obliterated. It sure drove home the lesson to know the limit of your abilities.

  3. There have been a lot of disappointing individual defensive performances this year (and last year...and the year before that), but what makes Hager’s so noticeable is that he’s the guy with hair hanging halfway down to his ass. There are many plays when multiple players whiff or otherwise blow assignments, but Hager is the only one I remember because he’s so easy to identify.

  4. 2 hours ago, HOOKEM4 said:

    Last year I had to do that to a doe my nephew had hit in the jaw. It was pretty messed up but I got there quick. I felt bad though about the suffering. Hate to see that.

    Back in the 80s, one of the guys I hunted with shot a small buck that had been crippled by a previous shot that hit both hind hooves. It was probably someone on an adjacent lease who tried a long shot that was beyond their skill level. 

  5. 23 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Had an interesting mental incongruity this morning.  Headed S. on Mopac during morning traffic, see a construction sign up ahead in the right lane, just past the 2222 entrance.  As traffic backs up, I think to myself "why in the hell are they doing construction during rush hour?"  But mostly, I was going through my mental checklist for opening weekend -- gotta find my binoculars, probably oughta sight in the rifle one more time, etc.

    Then I pass the "construction" truck.  It's one of those TXDOT traffic trucks, and it's got a lane blocked off, with an APD SUV about 50 yards in front.  And between them is a really nice-looking mature 10-point.  He's kinda laying down, but his head is up, and he's obviously braying in pain, his bloody tongue hanging out.  There's blood all over the concrete wall.  I see the scene, and immediately say "OH NO!," and I was genuinely upset the rest of the drive.

    But if my son sees a clone of that deer on Saturday morning, I'll say "take him."  And I certainly hope he goes down quickly and cleanly.  Maybe that's the difference.  I hated to see a fantastic animal like that clearly suffering.  It just struck me as odd to have two different feelings about the same animal in different contexts.  I understand that is the way that we hunters think -- for example, I am quite fond of the deer that live around our house, am friendly with them (seriously, I talk to 'em sometimes when they're next to my car in the mornings), and if one was injured, I would try to help it.  This just struck me as a rather harsh juxtaposition.

    I totally get your thoughts about the juxtaposition, but did you think the deer was shot rather than hit by a vehicle?  After all, deer are active and on the move during the rut, and you were on a highway  

    I’m probably jumping to conclusions and reading something into your post because I’ve so often heard people comment on seeing a dead or wounded animal and wondering if it had been shot. When we moved into a house on a river years ago, I found a dead falcon on the shoreline, and mentioned it to one of our new next door neighbors. She assumed it had been shot even though her house was the last property on the road and on our other side was a vacant lot and then a neighbor who was a ardent conservationist who for many years had his outdoors tv show.

    Maybe she shot it. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, irishtexan said:

    You know what's even more predictable? That racist homicidal maniacs with easy access to guns will go to churches and/or public gatherings and indiscriminately kill multiple people. And then those in charge will continue to blame it on "mental health" all while cutting all funding toward mental health programs. That's even more fucking upsetting. 

    And guess who controlled the White House and both houses of Congress when the deep cuts to mental health spending and institutions began?  Hint:  It was during the early-to-mid 60s. 

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