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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. On 9/30/2018 at 8:30 PM, Aqua Buddha said:

    This is written for both the Gen X-ers and the millennials.  It is written not as something chiseled in stone but, much like Spankytoes’ travel manifesto, something that is ongoing and can be added on to.

    That being said, age discrimination in our society is real, albeit subtle.  Younger is almost always better.  Even at the high end, a corporate executive can’t look “old.” In middle management, you’re fucked.  They’ll always take a flyer on an up and comer vs. an unemployed 56 year old.

    So, what does it take to hide your age?  (This applies to both men and women but I do write it from the man’s perspective.)


    First, slim down.  Fat people age badly both from a health and an appearance standpoint.  You know those people were people say “I can’t believe they’re that old?”  Those people are never, ever fat.

    Second, dress appropriately.  That doesn’t mean wearing skinny jeans and hipster earrings but it does mean dressing trend right with somewhat form fitting clothing.  (Remember, you’re thin now.)  Throw out the dad jeans, guys.  Also ditch the polo shirts, khaki pants, and tucked in shirt look with baggy jeans and tennis shoes.  I know it’s comfortable.  I don’t care. For the gals, ditch the mom jeans the dated hair cut.  However, it’s important here not to try too hard.  If you’re 45, don’t try to look 25.  That will be obvious.  Try for mid to late 30’s. Same if you’re 55.  Aim for something believable like early to mid 40’s.

    Third, speaking of hair, go with a trend right haircut.  For men, we can thank Bruce Willis and Michael Jordan for making bald cool.  You can have a full head of gray hair at 38 and shave your head and no one notices.  Also ditch the beard if it’s full of gray hair.  I know you can color a heard but it’s a lot of work.  If you’re OK with that, then by all means.  It’s just a pain in the ass.  For women, go with a trend right haircut.  Work in some color as that’s OK with women.  If you’re a man or woman and have a full head of hair, you can work with the color.  Keep it dark until you’re looking for an executive level job and then peppered gray can work for you there.  Just avoid the peppered look if you’re in your 30’s and 40’s.  

    There are many caveats here, I know.  It depends on your industry, your city, your immediate office, etc.  Adjust this as you see fit on points #2 and #3.  You can get away with a nose ring and silver hair in the Bay Area, for example.  


    First, clean up your resume.  No one cares about the job you had out of college, with rare exceptions.  Eliminate the job altogether.  Shrink your resume down to 2 or 3 pages at the most.  (This also applies to LinkedIn.)

    Second, take the dates of the resume, except for more recent positions.  Take it off altogether for your education.  Graduated college in 1993?  Slow your roll, old man.  Just leave the years off.

    Third, keep the resume relevant with current skill sets and their demands.  (This is wildly dependent on your industry, I know.)  This also involves keeping your skill set up to date. Certain industries change faster than others and never hesitate to volunteer for something that’s cutting edge.  Don’t know what blockchain means?  Don’t care.  Volunteer.  No one cares that you have 25 years of Mainframe programming, for example.

    Fourth, get the right picture for LinkedIn.  (See the part about appearance.)  Make it somewhat professional looking while hiding your age.

    Hobbies and Personal Life:

    This one is tricky and it may involve things you don’t like.  For example, if you’re in tech, you’re going to have to keep up with all 4,950 comic book movies.  Those young dudes like that.  In consumer products?  Keep up with what women like, if you’re a man.  This also applies on a more broader scale to your immediate office.  If you’re the minority in the office, follow what the majority follows.  At least now the relevant football players or millennial celebrities.  This can be a total beating.

    College age kids?  Take down the pictures.  Don’t hide it but just don’t adverse it.

    Get a Facebook page but don’t drone on about stuff like your crazy Republican uncle does.  Do more on Instagram.

    That’s my initial offering and this is a “living document” so to speak.  It’ll be more relevant the older you are and oh, by the way, “old” now is 40ish so you’re closer than you think.

    Hope this helps and I hope tp hear input from everyone else.

    What do you have to say about proof-reading things?

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  2. 21 minutes ago, CowboyFred said:

    I only pos repped because TexPete’s uppity ass negged but honestly didn’t think it was racist either.


    I guess that makes sense for the school to be in charge of the proceeds to be paid out.  Good on the NCAA for now completely fucking this up.

    You were the exception to my reply. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Junior Miller said:

    Nice racist post you cunt. 

    It's alarming pieces of shit like you are allowed anywhere near people's kids, much less as a teacher/coach. 

    Just for giggles, I clicked on the reactions to see who liked or disliked your post. Most  of the likes are from posters who have no “community” /barf reputation. I’m not sure what to make of this, and I’m about the last person to care about reputation points. Is  there really a community of snowflake lurkers out there?

  4. 22 hours ago, Nivek said:

    Same thing happened in 2008 when Tech suddenly stopped holding for 1 game.

    Wasn’t there a pic of Oakpo getting his knee hyperextended while in a TT choke hold?  Uncalled, of course. 

  5. I wish I could find the article/blog/whatever from about 10 years ago where Herbie said that every time he comes to Austin, one of the first things he does is text his wife asking her why they don't just move there.  All I can find is shit about why he and his family got the hell out of Columbus.

  6. 28 minutes ago, Augustus said:

    For the most part, announcers can't win, because if they call it like they see it, one of the two sides is going to scream "Bias!"

    And, for the most part, the current crop of announcers suck.  Like, a lot.  I suppose it's to be expected in an age where nearly every game is televised and there are 674 announcing crews.

    Nevertheless, Brando is definitely "neutral" as Hagbard says, even if fans don't like what he has to say about a particular play/flag/game/etc.  He also seems like a genuinely good human being.

    None of that is to say that he's a great announcer.  But he doesn't bring an agenda into the booth like Klatt/Kannell/Danielson/many others.


  7. 2 hours ago, hornian said:

    Hager Harbour himself a 2nd half,  and he was getting held most of the game. Even my 70 year old dad with bad eyesight was yelling st the screen for a flag most of the game. It was a joke thT they never called KState for a penalty, but it is what it is. Fuck em. 

    I told my wife to watch a non-call hold on a replay, and she immediately spotted a second blatant hold by another KSU OL. 

  8. We own acreage with a creek running through it, and I’ve successfully  panned gold ther. What harm is a little exaggeration when it comes to how much I’ve found?  One gram, one kilogram, whatever. I’ve got this covered.

    I do remember a story from the 70s or 80s where an old jeweler collected the dust from on and around his work bench. He separated the gold dust and flecks from the regular dust, and by the time he retired, he had gold worth many thousands. /csb 

  9. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I disagree on this "organic" bullshit if only on a section by section basis. 

    If you are in good health and every other Horns fan in your section is standing then stand the fuck up. If people in your section are standing that are in equal or worse health than you, I would hope that rubs off and you stand as well. 

    If some are sitting some are standing wev. 

    If you don't want to stand, buy a ticket in the upper deck or shell out $500 for a chair-back or suite. 

    I mean for fuck's sake I stand up and yell at home if I'm super into the game...

    I don’t think you got my point. 

  10. 23 hours ago, HouTex said:

    I'm thinking it changed during the Mack Brown years for a variety of reasons.   In the early 80's we (the Greeks) pretty much got a date for every game because there would be a pre- or post-game party at the frat house and everyone, especially the pledges, had a date.  You got a group of 2-4 friends and you gathered everyone's (including your date's) UT id and took them to Bellmont to draw your tickets--OU was a different process.  So on the east side (100% students back then with no upper deck) it was a bunch of people in groups of 4-8 people including dates watching the game, but also socializing.  It was like a cocktail party up in the stands with a game down below on the field.  Many of the non-Greeks would be in groups of 4-8 friends watching the game.  Of course, you'd stand up for big plays and at key times, but you mostly sat.  Dating stopped being such a thing around the Mack Brown years (I could be off a few years) and people started going to games in larger groups.  Standing in a large group makes more sense irrespective of what is happening on the field. 

    A lot more non-Greeks took dates to games back then, too. Mrs. ImWP and I had our first date at the Texas vs UMiami (Jim Kelly @ QB) game in 1981. 

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