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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 23 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    No offense taken.

    When the action dictates it, I'm standing and cheering like everybody else. But like I said standing the whole game is a recent thing. We used to make fun of aggy for yelling at their fellow turds to stand up all the time. Don't know when all that changed.

    As for the young ones on the east side who think they are hot shit now, someday they will most likely eat their words when their balls are sagging in the terlet water like any other old fart. lol

    At least I'm at the games showing as much support as I can, unlike half the younger crowd in our section with their faces stuck in their gottdam cellphones.

    Standing is fine when it’s organic, but not when it’s a command from der FĂŒhrer. 

    • Like 3
  2. On 9/24/2018 at 9:34 AM, ClubWhatever said:

    Yeah I'm going to have to disagree with the Bob Cole act like a fan thing.  We don't need a radio personality or a joe fan doing the announcements.  Just get a no-nonsense sounding guy and tell him to STFU except for down and distance and yardline and who made the play.

    What kind of college would do that?  What kind of fan would appreciate that?

  3. Ha! My Aunt Mabel taught at Omaha Central in the early-to-mid 70s. She may have taught there in the 60s, too. All I recall is that she took a year or two off for family reasons before ending up at Omaha Central. She didn’t like it there (the students were very disrespectful is what I remember), and it may have been a deal she struck with the school district to make her years of service “uninterrupted.”

  4. On 9/22/2018 at 2:18 PM, Royalfan5 said:

    You also have to look at the sharp drop in kids playing football in Nebraska too. We’ve lost close a quarter of the football programs in the state the last 30 odd years. And the remaining don’t have nearly the participation either. There’s just not that many kids in Nebraska either. 



    That’s interesting (no sarcasm) because SI wrote an article in the 90s about the drop off in HS football participation nationwide. I recall Texas being the only state with more than 1-in-10 participation rate (something crazy like 1-in-7), and Nebraska being noted for having a particularly high participation rate right at that 1-in-10 level. I wondered at the time if that was the truly of NU’s decade+ of success.

  5. 4 hours ago, CTC2 said:

    I had an opportunity to attend a team meeting with a speaker who was addressing the team.  It was after Hand was hired.  I was standing on the field watching the workouts minding my own business when Coach Hand walked right up to me and introduced himself.  We spoke for ten minutes or so.  Really nice guy and I was struck with how personable he was to a total nobody.  He had no reason to approach me other than he is just a really nice guy. I have been pulling for him since then and I am glad that he was able to make such a good impact.  

    Have you always lacked self-esteem?

  6. On 8/1/2018 at 3:22 PM, LongestHorn said:

    Grammar Nazi here fighting the fights that need fighting.  HEB changed their 15 items or less signs after years of mocking from assholes like me.  Sweet victory.  Full disclosure, I did not learn until later on that all time and distance nouns use less, not fewer, even if the are countable.  A more skilled grammar Nazi pointed it out my incorrect use.  It humbled me.

    Less Miles always sounded goofy to me. 

  7. On 9/16/2018 at 8:37 AM, SubliminalHorn said:

    Of course I’m biased, but the LHB when I was a student (early aughts) was best. I can’t fucking stand the band now. That little ditty they do after a first down or really any positive yardage is horrible. It’s bad. 

    I didn’t see a game until after DiNino stepped aside as the LHB Director in 1975. But, there was a definite slide in several areas between my first game in 1976 (UH 30 UT 0 - lol) and my last football season as a student in ‘83 (Georgia Cotton Bowl game - no lol).

    One was the move away from having a male flag corps to a mostly pudgy female corps. The gals simply aren’t strong enough to snap the flags with the same precision.  Sorry, Donna Lopiano.

    Another was the music selection. We were put to sleep one too many times by tributes to Broadway shows. 


    And then it’s back to the flag corps  They went away from the traditional flags with the block letter TEXAS to some shiny modern art shit that was supposed to be the letter T.

    The way the LHB used to enter the stadium as two completely separate bands was cool, but the NEZ remodel made that impossible.

    Oh, and once-upon-a-time, the full LHB traveled to pretty much every away game.



    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    Nebraska walk program slipped for a number of reasons. The Dakota schools moving up to FCS put a lot more scholarship money out there for kids that would have walked on at the same time as tuition increased. Out of the 29 in state kids that have made the NFL since 2004, 17 played out of state, mostly at Dakota schools or for Solich at Ohio.  Pelini especially just expected instate kids to walk on without much effort put into the program at the same time too hurt, especially since they weren’t committed to getting kids reps like Osborne did. Nebraska used to run multiple stations at practices with all the kids that got players a lot of work in.  Hudl being started in Lincoln also got a lot of film out on Nebraska kids that wasn’t happening before which sent more kids to different schools. 

    To expand the Conneally deal more, they have one of the most well known Angus purebred ranches in the world. There’s a ton of money there. 

    Sure there a lot of farmers Coop scholarships and such but those get used at any school in Nebraska too. I had Purina feed scholarships to Doane in Crete. I don’t think you can really act like something that a ton of boys and girls got in Nebraska made a big difference. 

    Okay, I promise this will be my last comment on this county scholarship shitshow.

    NDSU was the first of the Dakota schools to make the leap to FCS and the Great West Confrrence in 2004 before moving to Missouri Valley Conference in 2008. UND, USD and SDSU made the move to FCS a few years later. The number of football scholarships is increased incrementally along the way, but never up to the FBS level. NDSU raided (and continues to raid) Minnesota much much more than Nebraska.

    The South Dakota schools recruit fairly equally from MN, IA, and NE, but they didn’t start getting those 2 star projects in any significant numbers until the last 7-8 years. They even dip into WI some.  I’m not sure where UND gets most of their regional OOS recruits. I’ll probably pay attention once they join the others in the Missouri Valley.

    NU’s walk-on program collapsed almost 10 years before any of these schools could have had an serious impact.

    It’s possible that Wyoming, CU,  ISU, and the Purple Wizard began grabbing a few in the late 90s, but I don’t know that for a fact.

    Listen, I don’t begrudge NU for exploiting loopholes as I think most schools did the same, but on a smaller scale. They just took it to another level which created a competitive - many would say unfairly competitive  - advantage.  Schools in states with more than one D1 program would have a harder time exploiting those loopholes without the other instate schools crying foul.

  9. 3 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    So you have to believe this shadowy web of county scholarship and other scholarships paying the way of all these small town athletes to go to Nebraska and that was their secret adavantage, rather than the obvious explanation that it was cheap to go UNL back when the state actually supported higher education, and they had a staff that was willing to deal with the extra players and keep a freshman team around to see what they had in those players. Especially when there is only 1 D-1 school in the state and that was the only Ag school in an Ag State. 

    The reason I use Terry Conneally as an example, is that he was a full ride football signee out of a class D-2 school in the Sandhills with a grad class of about 15, if we had this elaborate way of paying for small town kids, they’re not going to waste one of the regular scholarships on the one kid in the whole county that can play.

    As someone who grew up in small town Nebraska, this county scholarship bullshit has always baffled me, because it’s not something I ever heard until getting on to non-Nebraska message boards much after Nebraska lost their way. 

    Regarding your first paragraph, I’m sure the cheap tuition made it easier. And being the only D1 school in Nebraska had to help because some kids just want to stay close to home. Playing for the best team of the 90s made it an easy sell.

    It sounds like Terry Connelly came from an area that probably had a $500 Farmers Co-op and a $300 Cattlemen’s Bank & Trust scholarship. That’s not much for Tom to work with. Perhaps Terry was good enough to have other offers and Tom thought he had legit talent. No one has ever said that Nebraska only gave “county” scholarships to small town Nebraska kids.

    I first heard of the county scholarships 25 years ago when I still lived in Texas and had no reason to hold a grudge. In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed Nebraska’s beatdown of Florida.

    i also think my son’s coach’s Nebraska Rule comment didn’t refer to Nebraska bring the only school that did this. It’s more likely that Nebraska was just more aggressive in exploiting that loophole, and their success at doing so drew the spotlight of the NCAA.  

    Why do you think Nebraska’s vaunted walk-on program became pedestrian so quickly?

    BTW, this may be my last response on this subject. /crowd roars

  10. 7 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    Your best friends never fuck you just for funieses? If the county scholarship thing was a real thing, explain why Terry Conneally was on a football scholarship from Hyannis and not a county scholarship? Did Nebraska used to give track money to football players until they made them stop, sure. Did they talk truck loads of steroids, absolutely. Use Prop 48 for all it was, definitely. Look the other way for criminals, you bet. But County scholarships weren’t a real thing. 

    I can’t be fucked for funsies.  My meter is too finely tuned. 

    “County Scholarships” is a euphemism for a system of feeding scholarships to 2 and 3 star athletes from small schools across the state of Nebraska. Some were county scholarships while others were called something else. That’s why the NCAA put in rules to restrict these types of scholarships just like they made dual sport track athletes count against the football limits (that was abused all over the country, not just Nebraska).

    My son’s coaches didn’t ask about county scholarships. They inquired about any scholarship that was based on athletic achievements.

    Nebraska has 93 counties (I looked it up), and probably only a handful literally offered county scholarships to feed Tom’s monster. Other small towns had them under another name, and sometimes numerous smaller scholarships were awarded in combination based on athletics. 

    There is a reason why Nebraska had a walk-on program that dwarfed all others. Add a dozen D2-level (or KU-level) athletes a year to your roster of 85 legit D1 blue chips, feed them steroids, then watch more than a few turn into true contributors. Think of it as adding a bunch of NDSU caliber players every year.

    Nebraska apologists can pound their fist on the table and emphatically deny that they had a “county scholarship” program in place, but that’s just double talk. They systematically used local scholarships to build a walk-on program without equal. While other schools had a bunch of undersized tackling dummies on their expanded roster, Nebraska had legitimate college football players.

    Why do you think Tom’s vaunted walk-on program went away so quickly?  You can’t blame it on Frank Solich not knowing about how Tom did it because he was a Nebraska lifer  

    So go ahead and deny they had a county scholarship program. Do you need to substitute a broader term than “county” to believe it?

    • Like 2
  11. 8 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    He hasn't denied because he thinks you're a gullible rube. I've had relatives that played for NU in the heyday of the supposed county scholarships that paid their way to walk on, when they would have been the obvious choice for said scholarship. If it was such as sustained thing, one would able to find some actual evidence rather than innuendo.  A coach saying something doesn't mean a whole fuck of a lot. OU coaches say it's a worthwhile school to attend. Doesn't make it true. Aggie thinks they are defending the country, and that doesn't make it true either. 

    Yeah, I’m a gullible tube who doesn’t know his best friends. 

  12. Is there a rendering of the outside so we can see just how well it will match the north and east sides?

    Someone mentioned earlier that we should demolish the west side upper deck. Is that even possible without imploding the lower deck?  I can’t imagine how, but I’m no civil engineer. 

  13. On 9/11/2018 at 10:51 AM, Royalfan5 said:

    You don't seriously believe the County Scholarship myth do you? 

    My son was a D1 athlete in a non-revenue sport at a school not terribly far from NU. His future coach told us that he needed to divulge any outside scholarships he received if that had any basis in athletic achievement. Those scholarships would count that against the “equivalency” scholarships allowed for his sport.

    The fact that the coach called it “The Nebraska Rule,” indicated to me that NU had been skirting the rules.

    One of my best friend’s is a NU Law grad and huge Husker fan. I’ve mentioned the county scholarships a few times when we were giving each other shit, and he’s never denied it. My experience with lawyers is that they are good at denying things if they can. 

  14. 50 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    my guess is seats stay the same or close but the party platforms and suites allow for higher attendance and ticket sales like cowboys stadium.

    I like it. I like it. A sneak attack on aggy. They won’t even know it until it happens and we again have a higher record attendance.

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