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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 7 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    Your best friends never fuck you just for funieses? If the county scholarship thing was a real thing, explain why Terry Conneally was on a football scholarship from Hyannis and not a county scholarship? Did Nebraska used to give track money to football players until they made them stop, sure. Did they talk truck loads of steroids, absolutely. Use Prop 48 for all it was, definitely. Look the other way for criminals, you bet. But County scholarships weren’t a real thing. 

    I can’t be fucked for funsies.  My meter is too finely tuned. 

    “County Scholarships” is a euphemism for a system of feeding scholarships to 2 and 3 star athletes from small schools across the state of Nebraska. Some were county scholarships while others were called something else. That’s why the NCAA put in rules to restrict these types of scholarships just like they made dual sport track athletes count against the football limits (that was abused all over the country, not just Nebraska).

    My son’s coaches didn’t ask about county scholarships. They inquired about any scholarship that was based on athletic achievements.

    Nebraska has 93 counties (I looked it up), and probably only a handful literally offered county scholarships to feed Tom’s monster. Other small towns had them under another name, and sometimes numerous smaller scholarships were awarded in combination based on athletics. 

    There is a reason why Nebraska had a walk-on program that dwarfed all others. Add a dozen D2-level (or KU-level) athletes a year to your roster of 85 legit D1 blue chips, feed them steroids, then watch more than a few turn into true contributors. Think of it as adding a bunch of NDSU caliber players every year.

    Nebraska apologists can pound their fist on the table and emphatically deny that they had a “county scholarship” program in place, but that’s just double talk. They systematically used local scholarships to build a walk-on program without equal. While other schools had a bunch of undersized tackling dummies on their expanded roster, Nebraska had legitimate college football players.

    Why do you think Tom’s vaunted walk-on program went away so quickly?  You can’t blame it on Frank Solich not knowing about how Tom did it because he was a Nebraska lifer  

    So go ahead and deny they had a county scholarship program. Do you need to substitute a broader term than “county” to believe it?

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Royalfan5 said:

    He hasn't denied because he thinks you're a gullible rube. I've had relatives that played for NU in the heyday of the supposed county scholarships that paid their way to walk on, when they would have been the obvious choice for said scholarship. If it was such as sustained thing, one would able to find some actual evidence rather than innuendo.  A coach saying something doesn't mean a whole fuck of a lot. OU coaches say it's a worthwhile school to attend. Doesn't make it true. Aggie thinks they are defending the country, and that doesn't make it true either. 

    Yeah, I’m a gullible tube who doesn’t know his best friends. 

  3. Is there a rendering of the outside so we can see just how well it will match the north and east sides?

    Someone mentioned earlier that we should demolish the west side upper deck. Is that even possible without imploding the lower deck?  I can’t imagine how, but I’m no civil engineer. 

  4. On 9/11/2018 at 10:51 AM, Royalfan5 said:

    You don't seriously believe the County Scholarship myth do you? 

    My son was a D1 athlete in a non-revenue sport at a school not terribly far from NU. His future coach told us that he needed to divulge any outside scholarships he received if that had any basis in athletic achievement. Those scholarships would count that against the “equivalency” scholarships allowed for his sport.

    The fact that the coach called it “The Nebraska Rule,” indicated to me that NU had been skirting the rules.

    One of my best friend’s is a NU Law grad and huge Husker fan. I’ve mentioned the county scholarships a few times when we were giving each other shit, and he’s never denied it. My experience with lawyers is that they are good at denying things if they can. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

    my guess is seats stay the same or close but the party platforms and suites allow for higher attendance and ticket sales like cowboys stadium.

    I like it. I like it. A sneak attack on aggy. They won’t even know it until it happens and we again have a higher record attendance.

  6. One guy in HS always mooched off other people, including taking their food or snacks when they weren’t looking. One morning before the bell rang, a friend of mine left half a “Hershey’s” bar (Ex-Lax logos scraped off) in the wrapper for a minute unattended. Down the hatch it went. Hilarity ensued later around 6th period. Ahhhh, high school....

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Real shitty deal.  We tailgated within a few hundred yards of this spot for years.  I had no clue there was a homeless camp in the woods.  She was supposed to be honored at our game on Saturday, and I think the team is going to be wearing some extra yellow/gold in her memory, and a helmet decal for the remainder of the season.

    Who owns the acreage where the homeless camp was located?  Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s the city or county because governmental screwups happen so frequently. If it’s the golf club, wtf were they thinking letting something like that exist?

  8. On 9/13/2018 at 2:48 PM, NYTransplant said:

    In a slalom course, you're supposed to drive the boat between the buoys, not over them. The course must have been pretty solidly anchored for the ropes to stop the boat like that, though. I'm impressed by the stop and the stupidity.

    I expected a cinder block as the anchor. 

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