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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 57 minutes ago, Zavala said:


    The QB made the decision to slide TOO LATE. 

    Don't watch it in slow motion, watch it full speed, and watch GJ.

    It was 3rd and 9, the QB takes off full speed running strait up, doesn't "give himself up" until 

    42:58 play starts

    43:03 players are 7 yards away, QB is running full speed and GJ has started to break down so he doesn't get juked


    43:04 Players are two yards away, QB begins to slide, at this point GJ has already pushed his momentum forward to go for the tackle at the waist. Right here, if he goes "high" that is a penalty for going helmet to helmet, so he goes low.

    still on 43:04 all this happened within 1 sec, he broke down, went for the tackle as the qb was sliding and made the contact helmet to helmet


    If the QB is allowed to give himself up, he should do it before the defenders are two yards away. If the QB is protected from getting hit, he scrambles and becomes a ball runner without the ability to hit him as you tackle him, they should just call him down as soon as he's touched. Put a different color jersey on the QB and protect him from getting tackled in the open field. Because that is all GJ was trying to do, is not get beat in the open field, so he broke down and went low. The QB drops at literally the last second, when GJ is two yards away, and this is what brought his helmet down to the level where GJ is going to hit him.

    It's tough to impossible being a defender against a running QB, if you are going to get thrown out of the game for trying to tackle the guy, because he can "give himself up" at the last possible second. It's a bad rule, if the QB doesn't give himself up with defenders 4 or 5 yards away, they are already going to be initiating the tackle, so that extra yard he's trying to pick up for the first down isn't compatible with "give yourself up". Can't have it both ways. 


    Every other Texas defender in those shots held up because they knew the QB was sliding. Even before the second pic was taken, GJ had to have known the QB was committing to slide. If it was a Texas QB, we’d all agree with the call. 

  2. One of these days, I’m going to spend a day analyzing the 4th quarter of every game in the FUPM years... okay, not the blowout losses to OU, but every other game.

    I know I will find that Mack had an unmatched record of winning games on Texas’ last possession, be it the final minutes or final seconds. Tech 08 is one of the very few losses, and it would have been yet another late win if Colt could manage the clock, Gideon could catch or if Earl Thomas didn’t decide to become a spectator  

    i don’t even have to look at other coaches to know that he has the best record of last chance victories of any coach in his era.

    I am repeating myself, but it’s true. Every one of you knew we would win if we trailed by less than a touchdown, had the ball and a minute on the clock. 

  3. I made a derogatory comment about Sam on Saturday, and realized a few minutes later that it was pitiful for a guy my age to be ragging on a 19 year old kid who is busting his ass on a bigger stage than I have or will ever perform.  Unfortunately, posts can't be deleted and have a very short window for editing.  Sorry to be a party pooper, but from this time forward, I'll try to restrict my criticism to coaches... okay, and probably seniors.

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  4. 4 hours ago, irishtexan said:

    Dude, we're not getting anyone if the season plays out like I expect. This will be 2017 all over again, but instead of everyone going to Ohio State, they're all gonna go to Aggy. Face it. We're fucked.


    1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Aggy is full. They will all have to go elsewhere. 

    And aggy will aggy and embarrass themselves.  Just give it time.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Hornsfan91 said:

    Going forward I hope Herman calls plays because we can no longer afford a slow start during games from Beck. If Herman would of been the initial play caller in the beginning of the game,there’s a great chance we could of won. I’m not knowledgeable about Hand’s experience as a play caller. I never been so annoyed after a game until I watched that is against Maryland. Shit has to change from here on out. 

    Don’t go out on a limb there, buddy. 

  6. On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 7:47 PM, TK421 said:

    Same with me, I like the salad fork instead of the dinner fork as well.

    This is so wrong.  I posted on here or Shaggy that I wish I could buy flatware without salad forks or dessert spoons, although I can tolerate dessert spoons... for desert.  Salad forks feel like kids' utensils to me.

  7. I've been wiping my own ass successfully for over 50 years.  I'm really good at it.  Until yesterday.

    So I'm finished, and I get some toilet paper folded in my hand, then somewhere along the journey it drops into the toilet.  I don't notice that finer detail until my first wipe results in fudge-dipped fingers.  I somehow managed to finish wiping and get my pants up and zipped with one hand.

    Spare me the bidet recommendations or early-onset dementia diagnosis.  I just needed to come clean.

  8. 16 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    I worked a few Mack Brown press conferences.  They didn't pre-screen questions, but there were a limited number of questions allowed, a number that was lower than hands in the air, so the questions got rationed, uh... somehow.

    My wife was working with Mack's daughter at the time, and one day after a PC, I went up and introduced myself, mentioned this to him and talked a bit.  I was selected to ask him a question at the next PC I went to.


  9. Which brings me to this question:

    When did UT decide that the official shade of burnt orange is the one they put on the website?  That shade is somewhere between our current end zones/Nike crap and the burnt orange Earl and Ricky wore. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Ldogg53 said:

    And yet an OT doesn’t actually tackle, they block. So fuck off with your stupid response.

    If it’s a run play a WR blocks. If it’s a pass and it doesn’t go to you then you block. So in reality, a majority of the time a fucking WR should be blocking.

    You need to get out of your parents’ basement more often if you think my comment was even the least bit serious. 

  11. 11 hours ago, XOVERX said:

    I voted "no" because Mensa is not football smart. He doesn't play the percentages, and he has zero clue about how to fit personnel to scheme. Zero.

    The smartest football coaches are guys like Tom Landry. Tom almost always took the points. He almost never went for two - a low percentage decision - because Tom apparently figured he might need that one point late in the game.

    Tomwould take the 3 with 4 minutes left in the 4th, and 4th and 3 on the opponent's 21, behind by 4. Then he'd kick the winning FG with 20 seconds left in the game.

    I can't tell you how many times, early in the 4th quarter, I'd bitch at Tom for taking the 3, or the 1 extra point, instead of going for two, when it was so obvious that "I" was right, but we took Tom's easy points instead.

    But here come the Cowboys winning the game with seconds left because Tom took the 3 a few minutes earlier.

    Tom taught me something: Play the percentages and take the points.

    Last year how many times did Mensa go for it on 4th down, deep in the opponent's end, instead of taking the 3? I still say Mensa lost USC because he f-ing refused to take the FGs, our crappy FG kicker notwithstanding, and went for the low percentage 4th down conversion attempt.

    And this year here we go again. Mensa was stupid not to take the 1 at the end of the first half against MY. That mistake didn't figure into the loss this time, but it was still a stupid coaching call.

    Mensa my ass.

    Now, please continue with your Tom Landry memories.

  12. 10 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:


    Playing not to lose instead of playing to win isn't "playing the percentages" nor is it winning football.

    I will grant you Tom Landry never went for 2, but that was less a strategic decision and more that he stopped coaching in 1988 and the NFL added the 2pc in 1994.


    Shhhhhhh, dammit!  He was on a roll.

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