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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 13 hours ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    It's like an ADHD Tasmanian devil. Look here! Listen to this! Bright lights! Now they're flashing! Drone show! Fireworks! It's fun! Why are you cheering on your own? We didn't tell you to do that!Β 

    Go to the Cotton Bowl. Take notes on atmosphere in the stadium. Replicate. That's what I want.


    9 hours ago, sidis said:


    just take the most unique and special environments of all of sports that is defined by it not being a home game or an away game for either team that are each other's most hated rivals and very simply replicate that for home games against wyoming.

    look, i am frustrated by the bizarre home game environment that i would describe as trying so god damned hard that it is hurting itself.Β  it's like a dude at a party that is desperately trying to impress everyone as fast as he can.Β  they need to chill.

    but acting like it's as simple as transplanting (imo) the greatest and most unique sporting spectacle in the country every year where the same variables are not at play is just silly.Β  texas-ou is self-fulfilling because of what it is.

    If they ever move this game to Jerry World, the atmosphere will become DKR North.Β 

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  2. I’m a bit of an introvert, but not really because I am quite talkative when I’m around other people. It’s just that I can go days without interacting with people and not suffer one bit.

    I can walk away from Surly (no encouragement, assholes), texts, Twitter, etc., but I have a harder time ignoring my favorite podcasts. Texts are hard only because family members are always texting. Β 

    My daughters, however, get down pretty easily when they don’t have direct, daily interpersonal contact. One daughter can’t go 2 or three hours without seeing or talking to someone. Texting or FaceTime aren’t enough for her. My daughter on the other extreme can be alone for a day or two, but what bothers her the most is knowing that her friends might be doing things without her Β 

    Sometimes it’s hard for me to empathize, but I try.

  3. Is Smoking Man still around under a new username?

    I’ll always remember him as the guy who went ballistic on me on TOS (Hornfans?) when I made a comment about our band’s flag corps ridiculously trying to reenact the planting of the flag on Iwo Jima while the band played the Marine Corps Hymn. I couldn’t figure out why he was so pissed until I later saw that autocorrect had changed Hymn to Hymen. He must’ve thought I was throwing some inter-service insult at him and his fellow US Marines.Β 

    • Haha 2
  4. On 1/23/2020 at 3:31 PM, Foosters said:

    I generally agree that the rule is fucking stupid and they should let this go, but it is worth noting that the policy prohibits all males from having hair beyond a certain length.Β  Now, if they are only enforcing it against this kid, then there's a race-specific complaint, but if all males at the school are similarly treated, then this seems like a weak case to elevate as an example of racial bias.

    Most beyond this is overthinking. My HS had a dress code in the 70s which was dumped by my junior year. No boy’s hair over the ears, skirt length, the usual stuff. We were 98% white and Mexican (about equal parts). Most of the black kids were from military families, so they were pretty straight laced. There was one black guy who had a huge 70s Afro, but he never had to cut it. One white guy got an Afro perm over the summer, and he had to get it cut the first week of school. Everyone thought that was hilarious. No lawyers were involved.Β 

  5. I’d feel a lot more sympathy for him if he didn’t take shots at Texas after he left (and if his daddy didn’t feed dirt about Texas to certain media personalities).

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  6. 17 hours ago, Armybrat said:


    The worst was the 5th Down Game in 1990 between Colorado & Mizzou that gave the game to the Buffs.

    I am limiting it to misplacement of the ball.

    Another bad placement by the Rig12 was in the 1996 CCG. On the play immediately before Roll Left, the refs measured for a first down. Just as the stick was planted, the ref rocked the ball back, then forward again, only the tip of the ball was a couple of inches further back. Just enough to force a fourth down.




    Don’t make a shit.Β 

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  7. 9 hours ago, Texasrocks said:

    The three yard spot may have been the worst placement I've ever seen, but was way down the list of plays that could affect the outcome.

    The worst one by far was in an early 90s Β bowl game between FSU and Nebraska. It was at the very end of the game, and they used instant replay (before it was an official thing) to determine that Nebraska had 1 second on the clock.* After resetting the play clock, they placed the ball a full 5 yards closer for Nebraska’s FG attempt. Fortunately, NU missed it.Β 

    * Irony noted.Β 

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, satyanash said:


    Worse yet, the QB appears to have stepped on the sideline at the 13. It’s mostly obscured by the defender, but that’s what it looks like to me.Β 

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  9. 5 hours ago, SuckitKevin said:

    I just saw Burton address this on the post game. What the hell was going on with Wyoming getting the ball at the 8 when their qb ran out of bounds at the 12? They stopped the game for awhile but still didn’t move the ball back. The protection of incompetent officials has to be addressed. Someone should at least have to answer for something that egregious.

    Instant replay isn’t required to correct improper ball placement. I’ve see it done countless times prior to instant replay. But, I guess that requires at least one ref to not have his head up his ass... or not be corrupt.Β 

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