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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 9 hours ago, animaltobacco11 said:

    And you are celebrating 30 years next week?

    It was 1976. I saw her pic on social media (probably Facebook) 10-12 years ago. I was definitely punching above my weight by the looks of her at about 50. 

  2. On 8/25/2023 at 9:45 AM, Brisketexan said:

    I could pay for our meal, but only had enough to tip like a buck and some change.

    I took my first real date to Pizza Hut and a movie. I had just turned 16, and I was pretty awkward and nervous. We got up to leave, and she asked me if I was going to leave a tip. I was so flustered that I reached in my jeans pocket, pulled out a handful of coins (nerd alert!), and put it on the table without counting. I told her that’s how I always tip, just empty my pockets and it’s either a bonanza for the waitress or it’s not. 

    • Haha 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, SKA the boss said:

    Thread derail:
    Are they still going to do that pussy ass Journey shit at the game where everyone gets their phones out and sings, “Don’t stop believing….”?

    An article on SI today covered the history of Wisky’s 3rd quarter “Jump Around”, and for real, our “thing” is … (insert your own derogatory explanatory word) compared to that.

    What do you expect, something by The Carpenters?

    • Haha 1
  4. 8 hours ago, threesheets said:

    I have the Wusthof version and it works great.  Coincidentally I took off the tip of my left ring finger (with my beloved Wusthof santoku) last week, which was awesome.


    8 hours ago, dcbc said:

    Yeouch.  I scalloped my thumb with my Dexter-Russel slicer once.  Not my finest moment.


    8 hours ago, threesheets said:

    Yeah, I did that on a mandolin once @dcbc. Bled for like 3 days.

    These plus my own mishaps is why I don’t try to chop and slice like I’m some kind of a professional. 

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, dcbc said:

    I tried the whetstone and I realized that it's not my gift.  So on the less expensive end of the spectrum, I picked up one of these last year, and it has been great.  It even sharpens serrated knives.  I just give them a few passes when they need it (ever few months or so), and hit them with the honing steel before use.



    I got one of these (white, not silver lol) as a gift at least a decade ago. I was underwhelmed. I’m not sure where it is now.

  6. 15 hours ago, SHOOTER12 said:

    Heat is definitely a serious concern. I do not remember a worse summer than this one. I've been unable to go for years due to my health making me unable to tolerate heat for years, so take care and have a blast my friends!

    Are you still able to go to night or late season games?

  7. On threads like the Rain 2023 thread, posters report what is happening in ____ Zip Code instead of their county/town/neighborhood. Even if it’s one of the 5% of Zip Codes I recognize, there are more precise ways of describing a location than Zip Codes that can cover a wide area. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 2 hours ago, markstanco said:

    One of my father's buddies in L.A. mailed him $100 in pennies after the Rose Bowl. I bet he spent more on freight, it weighed 50+ pounds if I recall correctly. 

    Exactly 55 pounds if they are all the newer, lighter (.088 ounce) pennies. More than that if older pennies are mixed in. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, n64ra said:

    Slightly less than millions, if my math is correct.

    "Since the film’s 2009 release, Kosove and Johnson say that Alcon Entertainment has paid approximately $767,000 to the talent agency that represents the Tuohys and Oher."



    Team Tuohy here, but did they receive any upfront money?

  10. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    This. I’m in Mexico right now and they kick US wait staff ass. I don’t need to be checked on every 8 minutes, but they’re attentive enough and friendly and don’t expect more than 10%. And they’re very grateful when you tip higher than that. Haven’t had bad service at all yet 

    I’m not questioning your experience, but perhaps the American customers who usually tip 20%+ are a bit of an incentive. Regulars in American restaurants who have a reputation of tipping generously are treated very well. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    This is a very stupid and inefficient system for the consumer as well as the server. We need to just adopt a euro model. Pay your employees and give me a price for my meal. And if I feel compelled to do something extra it is gravy.

    If you adopt the Euro or Japanese model, they would be offended by your gravy.

    I’ve asked my kids who have all waited tables, and they said they would’ve done it for $30/hour, but they would’ve resented the lazy staff if they were getting $25 or even $20. 

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