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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. Please tell me their winless tournament record includes going 0-16 in the NIT.
  2. I heard on a podcast that “natural” flavorings only means that a natural ingredient was used somewhere in the process. It can be chemically altered in unlimited ways and still be called natural.
  3. Find-A-Roommate. A second generation family-owned business.
  4. There are over twenty rows with obstructed views. This is much worse than the OVs at Kyle Field. Aggy beats USC, put it on the stadium wall. WTF is right.
  5. It was 1976. I saw her pic on social media (probably Facebook) 10-12 years ago. I was definitely punching above my weight by the looks of her at about 50.
  6. Added to my Christmas wish list. Too late for my birthday.
  7. I took my first real date to Pizza Hut and a movie. I had just turned 16, and I was pretty awkward and nervous. We got up to leave, and she asked me if I was going to leave a tip. I was so flustered that I reached in my jeans pocket, pulled out a handful of coins (nerd alert!), and put it on the table without counting. I told her that’s how I always tip, just empty my pockets and it’s either a bonanza for the waitress or it’s not.
  8. These plus my own mishaps is why I don’t try to chop and slice like I’m some kind of a professional.
  9. I got one of these (white, not silver lol) as a gift at least a decade ago. I was underwhelmed. I’m not sure where it is now.
  10. Your 8 might be a sleeper. Someone needs to show her how to smile pretty.
  11. On threads like the Rain 2023 thread, posters report what is happening in ____ Zip Code instead of their county/town/neighborhood. Even if it’s one of the 5% of Zip Codes I recognize, there are more precise ways of describing a location than Zip Codes that can cover a wide area.
  12. Squirrel faking its own death. https://story.snapchat.com/o/W7_EDlXWTBiXAEEniNoMPwAAYanVwamlxcHVvAYjEgVirAYjEgVfKAAAAAQ?share_id=HEYlVxeNSy+AF61G6gWvhQ&locale=en_US&sid=d5012bebf0c4400db392941f7b22fc6e
  13. Just don’t fall on that long stick, and you’ll be fine.
  14. Security Stare Bank’s logo is really amateurish.
  15. https://story.snapchat.com/o/W7_EDlXWTBiXAEEniNoMPwAAYaGp3bGJsaGZ1AYmE5kPKAYmE5TceAAAAAQ?share_id=ewcGaXeQQ1ajNIASeXMAMA&locale=en_US&sid=302e9496628449479383d2fb6c158f4e
  16. Exactly 55 pounds if they are all the newer, lighter (.088 ounce) pennies. More than that if older pennies are mixed in.
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