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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    This. I’m in Mexico right now and they kick US wait staff ass. I don’t need to be checked on every 8 minutes, but they’re attentive enough and friendly and don’t expect more than 10%. And they’re very grateful when you tip higher than that. Haven’t had bad service at all yet 

    I’m not questioning your experience, but perhaps the American customers who usually tip 20%+ are a bit of an incentive. Regulars in American restaurants who have a reputation of tipping generously are treated very well. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    This is a very stupid and inefficient system for the consumer as well as the server. We need to just adopt a euro model. Pay your employees and give me a price for my meal. And if I feel compelled to do something extra it is gravy.

    If you adopt the Euro or Japanese model, they would be offended by your gravy.

    I’ve asked my kids who have all waited tables, and they said they would’ve done it for $30/hour, but they would’ve resented the lazy staff if they were getting $25 or even $20. 

  3. 12 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    I had to go find the surveillance video   took fking forever, but finally found the archived moment that Wulaw became famous.



    That’s looks so much like a RR bridge in my town that I thought that was it until I rewatched it. There is a truck detour that takes large trucks on a different route, but a few times a year, a tractor trailer rig gets the sardine can treatment…and the local paper gets a news story to recycle. 

  4. My wife and I called in a pickup order to Papa Murphy’s (fuck off, it’s super convenient) from the road as we were returning home this afternoon. They said it would be ready in 20 minutes, but wifey asked if it could be ready sooner. They obliged, so I tipped them a couple-three bucks (also because the lady at the cash register said the workers get 100% of the tips). No biggie, we will survive.

    They also had the tip choices starting at 15% with no preselected tip, so I wasn’t triggered by any of that nonsense. 

  5. 7 hours ago, HouTex said:

    My doctor still does the digital and he closely monitors my PSA.  My dad beat prostate cancer twice and my grandfather also had it.  So maybe it’s different with family history.  I hate the exam.  Something you never get used to.  

    No family history of prostate cancer, so maybe that makes it standard practice for me. Or, perhaps my simpleton mind interpreted it that way. 

  6. On 7/24/2023 at 10:37 PM, Chico_SA said:

    Look, I know they don't have to refill your glass or ask you if you are ok, but there is someone plating your to go food into Styrofoam and making sure it is ok. In fact, that might be their main job on any given night.  A small tip shouldn't be out of the question.  Small tip.  I worked at an old diner in SA (I-10 Diner) in college. My job was to get wine and beer for waiters, make shakes and get deserts, and plate up to-go meals.  I also took to-go orders at the bar. Waiters always tipped me out and the non-assholes who ordered to go tipped me a little. 

    Three of my kids worked in restaurants, and take-out orders almost always require workers to abandon their tip-earning duties to deal with the take-out orders. They say most of the time they get stiffed, so I always leave a tip. 

    On 7/24/2023 at 11:09 PM, immamac said:

    Was reading today that apparently gen z just doesn't tip at all. Fuck it maybe I should join them. 

    My Gen Z daughter is the only one who didn’t work in restaurants, and she’s the one who always tips 25%, regardless of the effort or quality of service. She doesn’t seem to appreciate the difference, and she chastises me when I leave less at some place that offers less service. 

  7. Wife and I went out recently to our favorite breakfast place. It’s tourist season, so prices are always a little higher. She orders the granola and fruit bowl (not your everyday granola), and I order the omelette special. We both have coffee. That’s it. The total before tip was $45, but what I didn’t notice was that it included a 5% Living Wage surcharge. There wasn’t even a voluntary option to contribute towards a living wage. I tipped $10 on top of that. The surcharge plus tip are probably equivalent to a 40% tip on what I would expect to pay for that breakfast. For those prices, they could pay their employees a living wage.

    Odd side note is that their coffee was really good. When I mentioned it to our waiter, he said that it was something Folgers makes for restaurants that is not sold in stores. Imagine that. 

  8. On the prostate exam vs. PSA comments, my doctor stopped the digital exams 8-10 years ago. I thought he forgot one year, but my doctor wife asked him, and he said the PSA was standard now.

    Regarding exercise, I am also doing higher reps with moderate weights. But, I lose ground much more quickly these days. For example, one thing I was doing fine up until the week of my daughter’s wedding in late July, but then I missed 3 full weeks due to that plus traveling/laziness. I started back this week and experienced at least a 1/3 decrease in reps. That would never happen when I was in my 30s or 40s. 

  9. On 8/16/2023 at 1:57 PM, texasdago said:

    Let's get this back on track...

    Every time we go to Lake Austin we see idiots hauling ass, jetskis being idiots, etc.  Apparently this boat was going to fast and lost control.  We were on the lake wakesurfing when the police boats came flying by.  It was due to this... 


    I know earlier in the summer a boat hit a dock across from Ski Shores.  

    As an ex-Austinite, I’m curious what the crowds are really like on Lake Austin these days. Back in the 80s, We used to ski on Saturday and/or Sunday mornings, and it’s not much of an exaggeration to say we had the lake to ourselves until about noon. 

  10. On 7/7/2023 at 7:56 PM, Grade of D as in David said:


    On 7/8/2023 at 11:59 AM, tx ind said:

    Always been fascinated by burial at sea.

    Harry Freeman had us out to the ranch in 1974, after we moved to SA. I caught my first Texas bass in one of the stock tanks (I still have the spinner bait I used to catch it).  If I could identify the pond, I could be buried at sea, and they could study my decomposition in water. Sounds fun.

  11. On 4/3/2023 at 4:42 PM, ImissWallyPryor said:

    Just finished Green Lights. Talk about a beating (and I’ve always liked McConaughey).

    I’m on to this next…


    Finally finished this. Now that I’m an old fart, I can rarely read more than 4 or 5 pages in bed before I nod off. Or I forget to bring books with me when I’m away from home.

    Anyhoo, it’s an amazing true story of the failed Jeannette Expedition in search of the Open Polar Sea which was widely believed to exist. The hardships these 30+ men endured for over two years are hard to fathom.

    I just started this book about the British deception of the Invasion of Sicily by using a dead man with planted war papers.


  12. On 8/14/2023 at 11:57 AM, ztejas said:

    Mike's relationship with the Tuohy family started to decline when he discovered that he was portrayed in the movie as unintelligent

    In other words, at the world premiere?

    I was totally shocked that the Tuohys’ compassion was for a prototypical NFL OT and not in a homeless dwarf with rickets and scoliosis.

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  13. On 6/30/2023 at 9:11 AM, Armybrat said:

    Speaking of MCM…… in 1952 I won a Bingo game at the officers club at Fort Brooke in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 
    There were 3 tiers of prize tables to choose from A, B, C. 
    For my simple straight Bingo win, my choice was from Table C. 
    A neat gambling set that had a miniature Roulette wheel, cards, dice, etc. caught my eye. 
    But Mom said that cheap plastic crap would break easily, so would’t the more durable aluminum canister set be a better choice?

    Anyway, I still have two pieces of the four canister set….



    We have two mismatched canisters, too. 

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