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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 5 hours ago, Incredulity said:

    Read the article 


    open dating was pushed by consumer advocates.  Sure as shit there are unintended consequences to any change.  Yes, some manufacturers have used it to their advantage/as a marketing tool.  It absolutely was not a corporate conspiracy to sell more.

    Ah, to be so young and naive. 

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I mean...it is.


    4 hours ago, NWBuck said:

    Here’s a conspiracy theory. The food industry pushed for a change to Best Buy Dates because it would cause confused consumers to replace foods earlier than they would with hard expiration dates.

    Case in point is milk. I usually add a splash of milk to my coffee. I can always tell when milk is starting to sour because it stops mixing smoothly in coffee, it starts to curdle. That’s how I always knew when to dump it out without even tasting it. Under the old expiration dates, that used to be pretty much that day or the day after. With BBDs, I’ve gone a week or more past that date without any problems using it in my coffee.

    Meat and poultry is a different story. It starts to smell and look funky at 12:01am after the Use Or Freeze By Date. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. On 7/15/2023 at 1:55 PM, mchookem said:

    wtf with old pople and their refrigerators?? every visit to both my parents as well as my MIL required a clean out 🤮 my 85 yoa aunt's fridge looks like a hoarder and she barely even eats!

    expired everything... condiments, milk, juices, salad dressings, cheeses, yogurts, lunchmeats... there'd be four things of sour cream with the youngest expiring six months ago. fresh veggies from latest grocery trip on top...covering bags of rotting lettuce and onions. i mean how long do you have to keep a carrot for it to go bad??

    i used to get so frustrated at my mom, she'd say 'well i was at the grocery and needed cream cheese and didn't remember i had some' and i'd be like 'fine... but when you get home just throw the old one away!' and she'd be all 'quit fussing at me!' 🙄

    ugh. every old person i know does it. remnants from growing up poor?? dunno...but so gross.

    Almost Old here with a rebuttal. My kids (age 23-30) and their spouses/whatever come over for meals and they are always looking at the Best By Date on foods. If it’s one day past the BBD, they question if it’s okay to eat because it’s “expired.”  No, it’s not EXPIRED, gotdammit. And no, we don’t keep foods that are well past their BBD…usually, that is.

    /end olds rant

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  4. On 7/12/2023 at 2:20 PM, nnm said:

    When Mrs NNM wants me or someone else to do something, the way she asks is “do you want to ….,” e.g.: “do you want to go get the holiday decorations from the attic?”  This particularly rankles our son in law.

    I’ve explained many times that invariably, the honest answer to such a question is no. The person doesn’t really WANT to do the task, but will be happy to if asked nicely.

    A better way to phrase the question is “Would you please go get the holiday decorations from the attic?”  

    The preferred method of stating the question is never used  


    My wife always asks, “Will you do something for me?”

    My answer every time is, “Probably. What?”

    I’m a man of few words  


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  5. On 6/30/2023 at 4:41 PM, CashMcCoy said:

    If anyone wants to snag an extra ticket in their group for a lowly $100/yr LHF donor I’ll venmo and pay for your $12 beers in the Cotton Bowl.

    Home Depot Family GIF by South Park



    • Haha 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    OK, turns out I had it saved on my computer (I'm smarter than I give myself credit for).



    Those are my wife’s Texas relatives. Not staged. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 1 hour ago, hookem2010 said:

    That's awesome! As of last week, the cordilleran technically no longer exists, as it has been re-lumped as a single species with pacific-slope flycatcher, now called western flycatcher. They had only been split I think a couple of decades ago in the first place, before ornithologists called a mulligan on that decision.

    My wife read something about that, too, but we keep calling it a cordilleran. This is what Wiki says, but it’s not perfectly up to date:

    This bird is virtually identical to the Pacific-slope flycatcher. These two species were formerly considered a single species known as western flycatcher. The species were split by the American Ornithologists’ Union in 1989.[2] The Pacific-slope flycatcher is a breeding bird of the Pacific Coast forests and mountain ranges from California to Alaska; the Cordilleran is a breeding bird of the Rocky Mountains. They have different songs and calls.

    They can’t make up their minds. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    There was a story on the news this morning that a hawk in south Austin has been attacking people who go near its nest.  We've got a pair of hawks in my neighborhood right now and they are super chill.  How common is this?

    We have a cordilleran flycatcher nest by our patio. They were frequently dive bombing us, and we thought it was because we were too close to the nest. Then, one day, a fly landed on my calf and I was slowly moving my hand over to swat it when one of the flycatchers flashed by and grabbed the fly right off my leg, making no contact with my skin. We began to notice that what they were doing was picking off insects that were hovering near us.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. On 5/19/2023 at 7:56 PM, WBT said:

    I saw this mockingbird dance back in April.  I don't remember ever seeing them do this before.  Google says it's to claim territory.


    We’ll, that’s intimidating as hell. 

    • Haha 1
  10. I mentioned to my wife the other day that I wondered why none of the scores of birds that visit our feeders ever seem to get fat.

    This morning, there were a bunch of red crossbills at a feeder and one female on the ground beneath the feeder. She was so fat that she few off like an overloaded bomber on the Doolittle Raid while the others few off vertically and effortlessly.

    I guess my initial assertion was wrong.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 3 hours ago, Huckleberry said:

    This is going well for you. 

    Sounds like you may think I’m defending, Fitzgerald, but I’m not. I was responding to someone on Twitter trying to inject racist haircut rules into a hazing story. Then someone implying that it must be true because it appeared in the school newspaper. I believed my lying eyes that saw a wide variety of hairstyles on their roster. 

    43 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    No idea about haircut details but the racism shit is 100% true.  Hosted one of their TE’s wedding party in my condo years ago and he had some of his old teammates there.  He was embarrassed af hearing the jokes many of them made.  Haven’t talked to him in years but I’d guess he would begrudgingly admit this shit is true.  I say begrudgingly because being an ex football player there who went to their law school, he 100% went places with those connections being a big part of his success.  

    That wouldn’t shock me one bit.

  12. 2 hours ago, Js1 said:

    Confirmed by multiple players and published by the NU school paper at one of the top J schools in the country 

    Definitely “BS”  

    Give Me A Break Reaction GIF by reactionseditor

    As a former next door neighbor (and friend) of a journalist who was at the forefront of one on the biggest scandals in journalism history, I agree wholeheartedly that they should never be questioned.

    My wife was a summa cum laude graduate of UT journalisn school, and it always bothered her that journalism wasn’t even a true profession. She eventually went to medical school, so that removed one irritation from her life. 

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